Enshrouded Ancients and the Flame Lore

The following is what I have for Ancients and the Flame Lore in Enshrouded. NOTE: MAY CONTAIN SPOILERS - I won’t share Lore content, but the titles may give things away, and the photos may reveal things. For an overview of what the heck I’m talking about, click here! Since I found most of these, they won’t glow red in the pictures, but they should glow red, like a fire, for you if you haven’t discovered them yet. If not, I’m sure the game developers would appreciate any feedback or hearing of any glitches, bugs, or malfunctions as this is an Early Access game - in that it isn’t fully finished and they are still working out some things. If you have any questions or tips for me, let me know in the comments! I’ll try to update often and with images to help guide you on your journey. All images used in this blog post are screenshots from the game Enshrouded.
TIP: Having trouble with an Ancient Spire? Check out my Enshrouded Ancient Spires Overview for how you can reach the top of the towers and unlock Fast Travel.
NOTE: A LOT of the content below is from BEFORE the Hollow Halls Update - version number 510434. Some of it has been updated with the Souls Of The Frozen Frontier - VO.7.4.0. Previous content may still be relevant after March 26th, 2024 - but there may be gaps in the information below as more Lore and Quests are being added by developers. I am trying to stay on top of the changes.
Ancients and the Flame
Pillars of Creation Research Site
1/2 New Theories!
Travel to the Inner Sanctum for this and the next piece - 2/2 I Completely Fumbled It!. The scroll is on the ground level in the tent straight ahead. On the map, it may be difficult to read, but the text says, “STRANGE STRUCTURE” and “INNER SANCTUM” is above that but with the sanctum part cut off.
TIP: This location is closely tied to the Carpenter Quest: Finding Masonry Tools.
TIP: Also in near this area is the Nobles and History Lore: Southern Caravan 2/4 Axe Found.
2/2 I Completely Fumbled It!
From the first piece of Lore (1/2 New Theories!), trave up through the Inner Sanctum. This will bring you to an obelisk, and further up leads you to the Research Camp. Inside the tent (straight ahead in the screenshot) is the Lore, resting on a desk.
TIP: This location is closely tied to the Carpenter Quest: Finding Masonry Tools.
Search For The Ancient Lands
1/2 Don't Go
This scroll can be found about halfway between the Elixir Production Site and the Ancient Spire – Albaneve Summits Fast Travel in an unmarked camp. Nearby is the first part of the Albaneve Summits Lore: Dragon Skeletons 1/3 The Ice-Cold Winds Hid Whitewing Vultures.
2/2 Two Tribes, Two Flames
Well! That’s some interesting Lore, right there! Anyway, you can find this at an unmarked camp in the Albanese Summits. It’s located inside one of the two tents.
Hidden Flame Shrine
1/2 Can It Be True?
A simple glide west of the Ancient Spire - Kindlewastes Fast Travel is Sapphire Strand. Head there for this Lore. The pages will be on a table on a rooftop (big yellow building on the right). It’s easier to see at night with the red glow.
TIP: Reading this Lore will begin the Items, XP, and Loot Reward Quest: Hidden Flame Shrine. Completing the full Lore will also complete the quest.
2/2 As We All Forgot
The location for this one is a bit difficult to reach. I glided in from the Ancient Spire - Kindlewastes Fast Travel. It’s at the southern tip of the map and is a peninsula above the red Shroud that’s taken over the sea. Needless to say, don’t fall off or you die. You can land on the higher land above this and hop down (glide a bit for a gentler fall) from there. The rest is pretty straightforward. The Lore for this one is a plaque.
The Twinflame Swords
1/2 Never Whole
Polaris Falls is your destination for this Lore. Take the double doors on the right and then head left up some stairs. There will be a door on the right that leads to a hallway and another door. Beyond that is the scroll you’re after! Reading it will start the Items, XP, and Loot Reward Quest: The Lesser Twinflame Sword.
TIP: This location also has the Albaneve Summits Lore: Bed Time Stories 1/2 Who Is Scared Of Flying Horrors? and Polaris Falls Cyclops Cave 1/2 Gotta Fix That Fence, which starts the Items, XP, and Loot Reward Quest: Polaris Falls Cyclops Cave. The Items, XP, And Loot Reward Quest: Finding Cosmetic Winterly Set is also here.
2/2 Starfall Legend
You can find this book inside the Balefire Tower “1000 Miles”. Head across the bridge, minding your step, and turn right down some stairs.
Reading this Lore starts the Items, XP, and Loot Reward Quest: The Greater Twinflame Sword.
TIP: The Balefire Tower “1000 Miles” also has the Flame Altar Quest: Slaying The Corrupted Beast and the Items, XP, and Loot Reward Quest: A Beautiful Home.
Curve around that wall toward the right again and you’ll spot a hallway. Head down the hall and open the secret door on the right.
Ta-da! In the middle of the secret hallway is the book you seek, along with a Wall Tapestry Piece, which allows you to craft the Wall Tapestry Showcase at the Carpenter.
Defenses Of The Ancients
1/1 Understanding The Ancient Enemy
This Lore is a bit out there, but it is near an Ancient Obelisk, so at least it isn’t too difficult to find. I’ve had worse -_- THAT WASN’T ME ISSUING A CHALLENGE, I SWEAR!
Protected By The Flame
1/1 The Flame Soul
During your questing, at some point, the Balthazar The Alchemist shares this Lore with you. To hear this Lore, simply select the “Flame Protection” dialogue.
The Last Spark
1/2 The Cinder Vault's
I found it once, I can find it again!!! I hope... Aaaaaand, I have searched and searched, and I found online that people are saying the first and second pieces of this Lore were granted to characters created before the Melodies Of The Mire update.
2/2 Lost To Darkness
See notes for previous Lore in this series.
Obelisk Research
1/3 Obelisk Writing
Near an obelisk, inside a tent, and on a table is a book to read. North, northeast of Ancient Vault – Hunter at an Ancient Obelisk.
TIP: This connects to the Items, XP, and Loot Reward Quest: Obelisk Research.
2/3 Progress! Also – Headaches!
This one is off in the wilds. It’s a little tricky to get to by glider, but looking for a road helps a ton! Once you get to the Obelisk, the book is on a table in the tent closest to the monument.
3/3 Confusion Above All
Super easily, if you’ve made it to the Ancient Spire - Nomad Highlands Fast Travel spot. If not… well, you’ll get there! Ok, so from the tower, glide down a wee bit to the Ancient Obelisk. There’s a small camp there with two tents. The right tent has the Lore resting on a table.
One Last Journey
1/3 My Final Journey
Located outside of the Shroud in Woodgard. This is located in the bedroom on the second floor of a house. It’s straight ahead from the garden. There are two doors. The scroll is on a nightstand behind the left one. Reading this note will start the Items, XP, and Loot Quest: One Last Journey.
TIP: The Lore for this series is closely tied to the Flame Altar Quest: A Story Of Fire.
TIP: More goodies are in the area! General Lore: Gravewalker 1/1 One Foot in the Grave, Hidden Building Blocks 1/1 The Church was Destroyed!, and To Mend Old Wounds 2/4 A Refuge and 3/4 A New Season.
TIP: The Bard Quest: Finding Cosmetic Items also takes place near here.
2/3 Tired
At an Ancient Obelisk to the west of the Ancient Spire – Springlands Fast Travel, there is a body and a note. The note gives you this Lore “Tired” while the body's loot gives you 3/3 Wandering.
3/3 Wandering
At an Ancient Obelisk to the west of the Ancient Spire – Springlands Fast Travel, there is a body and a note. The body gives you Wanderer’s Boots and this Lore “Wandering” and it completes the Items, XP, and Loot Quest: One Last Journey. See above for how to get 2/3 Tired.
Cinder Vault
1/3 Another Failure
Just outside the Ancient Vault – Blacksmith, there is a small tower. On the ground level, there is a table with a note on it.
TIP: This location is also part of the Flame Altar Quest: Find The Sleeping Survivor.
TIP: Surprise! There's more Lore here! It's just the next to pieces of this Ancient and the Flame Lore: 2/3 Eureka! and 3/3 Venture Forth.
2/3 Eureka!
The same tower as Another Failure, outside the Ancient Vault – Blacksmith, there is a ladder that leads to a small room with the book on a crate.
TIP: This location is also part of the Flame Altar Quest: Find The Sleeping Survivor.
TIP: The other two pieces of Lore in this series are also here: 1/3 Another Failure and 3/3 Venture Forth.
3/3 Venture Forth
In the Ancient Vault – Blacksmith, there is a letter on a table inside the one room vault.
TIP: This location is also part of the Flame Altar Quest: Find The Sleeping Survivor.
TIP: The first two pieces of Lore in this series are also here: 1/3 Another Failure and 2/3 Eureka!.
Captain’s Journal
1/4 Captain’s Journal, Day One
From the Cinder Vault at the start of the game, follow the path through the cave. When the road splits for the first time (one going forward to where your first base should be and the other going left into the ruins of Longkeep), head left. In the first tent on the left, there’s a note to read. The other three pieces of this Lore are not in Longkeep, but they are nearby.
TIP: More Lore in Longkeep! General Lore: The Alchemist’s Theories II 1/5 The Shroud Looms, To Sleep, Eat, and Rest 1/1 A Good Night’s Rest, Danger: Explosives 1/1 Careful With This Shipment! (between Longkeep and Rookmore), Longkeep 1/1 Falling to Ruin. Lastly, a Nobles and History Lore: Love Letter To Queen Jezmina 2/2 Don’t Leave My Side!
2/4 Captain’s Journal, Day Six
Just outside of Longkeep, the path splits to the right from Braelyn Bridge. The tent on the left has a note on a table.
TIP: All four pieces of this Lore are in or near Longkeep.
3/4 Captain’s Journal, Day Twenty
Just outside of Longkeep, the path splits to the right from Braelyn Bridge. Ignore the first set of tents and head down the hill. There is a short path on the left with another tent and a note on a table next to a glowing torch.
TIP: All four pieces of this Lore are in or near Longkeep.
4/4 Captain’s Demise
Following the path into the Shroud from Longkeep (past the first two tents with notes), there is a sword on the ground and an enemy. Defeat the enemy and loot its body for a ring to complete the lore.
TIP: All four pieces of this Lore are in or near Longkeep.
NOTE: All content below is from BEFORE Hollow Halls Update - version number 510434. Content below is good for anything before March 26th, 2024. Content may still be relevant after March 26th, 2024 - but there may be gaps in the information below as more Lore and Quests were added by developers.