Enshrouded Bard Quests Walkthrough

With the Melodies of the Mire update, we have a new character! I tried keeping the quest details below sweet and simple, but some are more complex than others. If you see an error, please let me know, and I’ll work to fix it! All images used in this blog post are screenshots from the game Enshrouded.
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SPOILER ALERT: There’s no way for me to avoid spoiling game play with the walkthrough.
NOTE: Most of the content below is from just AFTER the Melodies of the Mire and Hollowed Halls Update - version number 558123. Some of it has been updated with the Souls Of The Frozen Frontier - VO.7.4.0. Previous content may still be relevant after March 26th, 2024 - but there may be gaps in the information below as more Lore and Quests are being added by developers. I am trying to stay on top of the changes.
Bard Quests
Bard Needs Shelter
When you place the Bard in your base, she immediately wants shelter and a bed. She’ll have the dialogue option “Shelter” to prove it, lol.
Next up, she will talk about a “Missing Bed” and if there is no roof over it, she’ll toss in a “Missing shelter for bed” for good measure! Provided she has all of those, the quest will be completed!
TIP: To assign a bed to her, use the Summoning Staff.
Daggers For The Bard
Really, they should just say the daggers are for you, but anyway... This quest is only available if you have not already picked up the daggers. It will be half-way completed if you trapsed across their path (entered the "Dagger Location") before obtaining the Bard. If you haven't done either of those things, then you'll have the dialogue option "Beloved Daggers". Selecting that will start the quest!
Now that you have the quest, it's back to the Snapjaw Tar Pits! This time, stay low as the daggers are on the ground level with those mean lizards. Entering the Dagger Location will finish the first part of the quest.
To complete the quest, simply pick up the daggers. You don't even have to talk to Valory again. She will, however, have a fun blurb for you as you walk by.
Hand Drum For The Bard
This quest begins when you select the dialogue option “Anything For The Applause”, which is available as soon as you place the bard.
Next up is to head to the Treetop Vukah Settlement! It’s a fair glide away from the Ancient Spire – Blackmire Fast Travel. Once you reach the settlement, you will complete the first part of this quest.
From the pre-entrance, head up the stairs. There will be a closed door you can go through. From the closed door, head inside and up more stairs. As you turn to the left, there will be a grapple spot above you. Hook you way up and stop at the top of the stairs.
Silver Chest
Turn around to see a Silver Chest on the other side of the area with a swinging grapple spot available. Snag the chest or turn back around and keep going.
Next up is walking on a log. This is made particularly challenging if you do what I did, which was to look down as I moved my character along. It was super trippy. Highly do not recommend. Then climb the mesh wall.
Take the first door on your right, after you make the climb. Then, keep going until you reach a break in the wall on your right. You’ll find an official entrance to the Treetop Vukah Settlement, and you’ll have completed part of your quest!
Silver Chest
Straight ahead will be a Silver Chest. It has a random drop, but there is a chance for some armor pieces.
Hidden Crafting Recipes – Blackmire Quest and Hidden Crafting Recipes – Blackmire 3/6 I Have To Remember This
If you’re skipping the chest, then take the stairs on the right. Follow them as they curve around to a room with a Vukah Buff and a piece of Lore. Reading the Revelwood Lore: Hidden Crafting Recipes – Blackmire 3/6 I Have To Remember This will start the Items, XP, and Loot Rewards Quest: Hidden Crafting Recipes – Blackmire.
Take the stairs on the left to keep going up the stairs and past the vines.
Vukah Temple Stones
If you take the pit of stairs to your left, you’ll come across a door. Behind it is Blackmire mud and a Silver Chest. The chest contains the blocks. For more building block pieces, click here.
Skipping the blocks? No problem! Just keep heading straight until you reach the next area of the tree. You’ll pass by a revival spot on your way up, which is convenient as you’re about to encounter some enemies.
Suspicious Wall
As you enter back into the temple area and those spitter plants annoy you, don’t get too distracted. There’s a suspicious wall to blow up or pickaxe. On the other side is a small room with a Silver Chest.
Continuing on from the hole you made, just keep heading straight. You’ll come to a pit of Blackmire mud, but if you fall, don’t panic. There is a grapple spot back up. Otherwise, cross the busted bridge and keep going.
Once back outside, you’ll have more winding stairs to climb up followed by another mesh wall.
A small battle around a campfire commences! Once done, take the stairs and head left until you reach a revival point. Then, it’s a bounce up and a grapple up.
Next up is the entrance to the Vukah home hive, a confusing maze of tunnels. The goal is to work your way up and around.
Silver Chest
But first… Head to the right. Then take the doorway out onto a boardwalk. Follow it as it leads to a Silver Chest with random loot drops.
Instead of going right for the Silver Chest, head left and circle around. You’ll quickly come to a spot with scaffolding above with a mesh wall and a ladder going to the ceiling. Oddly enough, you can grapple up and skip the scaffolding pretty easily.
Once up, you’ll see a large green tree limb. You’ll want to climb on top of that, so head left to the base of it and work your way up to the jump pad up top.
After you jump, make sure to grapple over to the ledge or you’ll have to make the climb again. From there, keep heading up to the boss arena.
After defeating the Vukah Brawler, head straight ahead. You’ll reach the Hand Drum Location. Chop down the vines to progress.
Obtaining the drum will complete the quest!
Music Sheets
This quest becomes available after you complete the Hand Drum For The Bard Quest. The dialogue option “Song And Laughter” will become available.
TIP: Location also has the Brittlebush - Crab Fossil from Bard Valory's Finding Fossils Quest.
Fort Kelvin
The first place to stop for a piece of music is Fort Kelvin. Just inside the entrance, head for the first building on the left. You’ll have to hop a wall to reach the door. Once inside, head right. As you reach the stairs, turn around and there will be a spot to grapple up to. That floor has the music sheet.
TIP: Lore nearby - three for the Vukah And Wildlife Lore: Welcome To Fort Kelvin & Revelwood Lore: Ramone’s Writing 1/1 What Do You Think Of My Draft?.
TIP: Building Block nearby - Brick-Timbered Block. Items, XP, and Loot Reward Quest: We The Only Ones. Items, XP, and Loot Reward Quest: Lunar New Year Plants.
"Blue Goblet" Tavern
The second place for a music sheet is located at the "Blue Goblet" Tavern. It is a simple glide from the Ancient Spire – Revelwood Fast Travel. Head northwest toward a large building nestled among the trees. This is the famously good spot for a base – “Blue Goblet” Tavern. Bust open the door, and you'll find the music scroll resting on a table near the entrance.
TIP: Nobles And History Lore nearby - Excerpts From Val's Valiant Tales 1/2 I've Got My Eye On You.
Surat's Rest
Head southeast from the Ancient Spire - Springlands Fast Travel to Surat’s Rest. Travel under the bridge and past the first cluster of buildings to the front left. Located further back is a building with a door behind a fence (door not visible in first photo of building). Enter the doors and take the ladder up to the second floor. That's where you'll find the scroll.
TIP: Check out more of Surat’s Rest Lore And Quests In Enshrouded.
Jasper Isles
From the Shroud Root, head across the bridge to the other side of the Isles. Near the prison, you'll see the quest marker marking a building. Head for it and grapple up to the second floor where the scroll glows on the planks.
TIP: General Lore: 1/2 To Father,. Nomad Highlands Lore: Amber’s Final Resting Place 1/2 A Chosen Grave Site and 2/2 Our Dearest Amber; Rotting River 1/1 Downstream Of Something Foul; Lake Of The Nomad Highlands 1/1 Creation Of A Lake; and As Above So Below 1/2 Umber Hollow Rumors. Scavenger Lore: Sister, Sister 1/3 Where Are You My Sister?.
Brittlebush is southeast of the Ancient Spire - Nomad Highlands Fast Travel. Head for the second floor of Emily Fray's Tavern. You can already see the musical scroll glowing from a distance as it rests on the balcony.
TIP: General Lore: Honey Misery 1/1 No Honey!, On Fertile Ground 3/3 Ring Obtained (not in city, but nearby), Emily Fray’s Tavern 1/3 Emily Fray’s Diary, Entry 1 and 2/3 Emily Fray’s Diary, Entry 2 (not int city, and a bit far); The Shroud, Elixir, and Elixir Well Lore: Elin’s Warning 1/1 The Walls Are Alive!, Kindlewastes Well Prospects 2/3 You Fool (not int city, and a bit far); Kindlewastes Lore: The Oasis 1/3 A Hopeful Beginning (not in city, and a bit far).
East Lapis
Enter through the south gate and you'll be practically to your last scroll. The first building on the right has the scroll on a table on the rooftop. It's an easy jump from the outer wall of the city. Nabbing it will complete the quest! So long as you've acquired the other musical sheets.
TIP: More Lore here! Kindlewastes Lore: 1/2 Uncle Dreadbane, 2/2 Dreadbane Hammer Discovered, and Hats Shipment Missing 1/1 Our Hats Are Lost!; Nobles and History Lore: Caravan To Longkeep 1/2 Survival Depends On Me.
TIP: Quests in the area - Hunter Quest: Loom For The Hunter; Bonus Building Block: Highly Polished Stone Block, and Items, XP, and Loot Reward Quests: Underground Infestation, Robert Gibson Needs Help, and Items, XP, and Loot Reward Quest: Finding Epic Instruments (which has information about the Pure Soul Hugo Vanderhall).
Eternally Piercing
This quest begins when you select the dialogue option “Magic Arrows”, which was available only after completing the Bard Quest: Daggers For The Bard.
First off, head for the Ancient Spire – Blackmire Fast Travel. Then, head northeast toward Hermit Camp.
At first, it will tell you that you’ve made it to the Sunken Ancient City, but just keep going up and around as you climb the tree stump / Vukah home.
Once at the Hermit Camp, simply claim the arrow pile, and you’ll have completed the quest!
Finding Fossils
This quest begins when you select the dialogue option “Pieces Of The Past”, which was available as soon as I placed the bard. I’m not sure if there are other prerequisites for this or not.
Springlands Fossils
Critter Nest - Ammonite Imprint
You may be familiar with the area if you’ve already quired the The Shroud, Elixir, and Elixir Well Lore: The Buzz In The Walls 1/2 I Sense Good Fortune and 2/2 My Faculties, Sharp As Ever!.
TIP: This area also connects to the Hunter Quest: Salt Mine Location.
TIP: Other Lore in the area includes General Lore: The Alchemist’s Theories II 4/5 Spores and Sickness.
Whether you are or are not familiar with the area, your destination is the same as The Buzz In The Walls – Critter Nest. So head through the shroud to the stairs leading up. You’ll find a Silver Chest and a mineshaft. Inside will be a bunch of those annoying bugs and a glowing fossil.
Saline Quarry - Big Ammonite
That’s a second salt mine with a fossil, nice! Near your first home base is the Saline Quarry. Hop, skip, jump, walk, or glide your way there! From the main entrance, head deeper into the quarry, past the dead tree stump, up the ramp, and then up the climbable wall. Straight ahead, minus the junk in the way, is the glowing Big Ammonite fossil.
Between Morwenna and Saline Springs - Sea Urchin Cluster
From the Ancient Spire – Low Meadows Fast Travel, head southwest. There will be a tower roughly halfway between Morwenna and Saline Springs. Outside the tower is scaffolding leading to flint. Head up the scaffolding, and the fossil will be on top of the flint.
Near Flame Sanctum - Elevated Sea Urchin
Near a Flame Sanctum and near the Ancient Vault – Carpenter is a small quarry with scaffolding. It’s a short, southern flight from the Ancient Spire – Low Meadows Fast Travel. Upon landing, simply head down the scaffolding to the pile of rubble and pluck the fossil up.
Near Necropolis - Round Sea Urchin
From the Ancient Spire – Springlands Fast Travel, head northwest by about 1,250m. So, it’s a bit of a flight. You’ll eventually reach a house with a red shingle roof. From there, follow the path north. When you reach the cart blocking the road, head left. You’ll eventually reach a mine shaft that has collapsed. Dig up the body to exhume the fossil.
Collecting five different fossils from the Springlands area will unlock the next part of the quest.
Revelwood And Blackmire Fossils
NOTE: As the game says, there are multiple spots for these, and I found two of the same kind for two of them. I'll note which two are extra in case you feel one type is easier than the other.
Ancient Spire - Revelwood Fast Travel - Single Gastropod
For this highly single, looking for friends, gastropod, head to the Ancient Spire – Revelwood Fast Travel. The cave you’re looking for is a short flight away. Start by heading to the bridge. There will be a tower near it and a cave entrance near that covered in Luminous Growth.
Once inside the cave, head right. You should quickly see a red glow along with a grapple spot. Easy as pie! Except this pie has spiders :(
Mark Of Sameth - Trilobites AND Gastropods
Note: This location has TWO. (Though, I did hear someone found three. *shrug)
Well, I thought I had explored all of this place once before while searching for Lore, but I was wrong. NOW I’ve explored it all! The first one is the one I found second, so pardon the lack of images, sorry! It's right along the main path as you enter. On the right will be three explosive barrels. Blowing them up reveals the fossil.
If you're still in the area, this one isn't too far away to go for!
TIP: This place is closely related to the Blacksmith Quest: Crucible Needed For A Smelter. It may be more beneficial to do them together.
TIP: The Scavenger Lore: To Dig One’s Own Grave is also here, all 3 pieces, in fact!
So, upon entering, you may notice a silvery glow above the word “Mark” in my photo.
That is where you are trying to get to. It’s a spider den, so there’s webbing and ick everywhere. I blasted it. Anyway, from there, follow the path, blast the rubble, take the fossil, and loot a silver chest, too. Wins all around!
Beyond Fawnsong Frontier - Gastropods
Note: This is a repeat of one at Mark Of Sameth!
As the title of this one suggests, you'll want to fly past the Fawnsong Frontier. There will be a house with an orange-shingled roof. From there, it's a quick hop / glide to an enshrouded crevice in the ground. At the further end of that crevice is the second Gastropods fossil on top of a pile of amber.
Trilobite Imprints
North Of Lush Pasture - Trilobite Imprint
Note: This is also one that has two options! Personally, I think the first option is better for this one.
This one is east of the Ancient Spire – Revelwood Fast Travel. It’s quite a bit north of Lush Pasture, but I wanted to give more landmarks as this fossil is also at an unnamed location. There’s a giant mound / mountain that you’ll be aiming for, only, you want the cave beneath the mountain. The top of it is a good starting point as you can see the cave entrance from the scaffolding.
Burn, stab, or even ignore the spitting plants as you loot this fossil from its place in the cave.
Blackmire - Trilobite Imprint
Note: This is also one that has two options! Personally, I think the first option is better than having to trek all the way to the Blackmire for this one.
Luckily, or perhaps unluckily, this fossil is located in the entrance area of the Blackmire. Just as you reach the first trampoline, head left. There will be two flowers that take you up to the giant tree trunk bridge. From there, cross the bridge and the fossil is inside the cave entrance.
If this was your last fossil for the region, in that you have all four, then the next part of the quest will begin.
Nomad Highlands Fossils
Dragon Cave - Sharp Shark Tooth
This pairs great with the Items, XP, and Loot Reward Quest: Rumors Of The Dragon Cave. (Check out the quest for details on how to reach the cave.) Instead of taking the main tunnel, you take the side tunnel and follow it down into a mineshaft sort of area. There is a rubble spot with a slight red glow to it, but really, it was suspicious all on its own! Blow it up or dig it up to obtain the Sharp Shark Tooth.
On The Way To The Mining Rift - Smaller Sea Lily Fossil
I started at the Ancient Spire – Nomad Highlands Fast Travel for this one. The next one is at the Mining Rift, so don’t leave once you have it! Anyway, the first photo here shows where I landed from leaving the tower and the second shows the big tree I’m aiming for.
Once you reach the tree, you’ll need to dig down a layer to reach the fossil. Then it’s off to the next one, which is nearby so don’t go wandering too far!
Mining Rift - Larger Sea Lily Fossil
Hopefully you didn’t leave the area from the last one! Anyway, keep heading west toward the Mining Rift and keep to the north side of it.
TIP: This one pairs great with Fortification - Castle Wall Stone Block. Even if you don’t have the quest, you can still nab some sweet blocks!
After making it down the mud slope, head left and up the wall. From there, keep going and you’ll see a spot to grapple. Ahead of you should be three explosive barrels. Blow ‘em up!! KABOOM! And there’s the fossil :)
Near Cradle Of Dusk - Dull Shark Tooth
As the title suggests, this fossil is located near the Cradle Of Dusk. It’s a shot flight from the Ancient Spire – Nomad Highlands Fast Travel. Keep to the left side and head down into a small mining hole. From there, exhume the fossil from a pile of rubble.
TIP: The Alchemist Quest: A Black Cauldron For The Alchemist finishes in the Cradle Of Dusk, so it could be a good pairing to do these together.
With all four fossils from this region, the quest is nearly complete! It’s off to the Kindlewastes!
Kindlewastes Fossils
Boneshard Excavation Camp - Fish Fossil
Yay!! The Boneshard Excavation Camp is a quick glide from the Ancient Spire – Kindlewastes Fast Travel. There is a pile of rubble in the camp. A quick dig will unearth the Fish Fossil.
TIP: Kindlewastes Lore is also here: Myth Of Giants 2/2 Clues From A Shaman.
Brittlebush - Crab Fossil
Brittlebush is another easy glide from the Ancient Spire – Kindlewastes Fast Travel. This fossil is located in the middle of the town in the Shroud. There is a boat next to the red non-lava section, and in that boat with the red glow is the Crab Fossil – Crab Fossil – Crab Fossil. I had to. Sorry.
TIP: Here is some more Brittlebush Lore! (And some that is nearby to it.) General Lore: Honey Misery 1/1 No Honey!, On Fertile Ground 3/3 Ring Obtained (not in city, but nearby), Emily Fray’s Tavern 1/3 Emily Fray’s Diary, Entry 1 and 2/3 Emily Fray’s Diary, Entry 2 (not int city, and a bit far); The Shroud, Elixir, and Elixir Well Lore: Elin’s Warning 1/1 The Walls Are Alive!, Kindlewastes Well Prospects 2/3 You Fool (not int city, and a bit far).
TIP: Location also has one music sheet from the Bard Quest: Music Sheets.
Ternion Mine - Prawn Fossil
This final one is located in the Ternion Mine, which is pretty far away from a fast travel spire. Hopefully you have a base that’s closer! If not, you may consider making the journey from the previous location (Brittlebush).
I Jumped up and had a larger view of the area, which let me see the sulfur deposit with the famous red glow (to the left of my character).
FINALLY!!! With the last of the fossils, this quest is COMPLETE! 123 photos later. Phew!!!
Finding Cosmetic Items
This Quest became available after I finished the Eternally Piercing Quest for the Bard. She then has the dialogue “Finer Things In Life” available.
First up, traveling to Woodgard. It’s a short flight from the Ancient Spire – Springlands Fast Travel.
TIP: General Lore: Hidden Building Blocks 1/1 The Church was Destroyed, Gravewalker 1/1 One Foot in the Grave, To Mend Old Wounds 2/4 A Refuge and 3/4 A New Season. Ancients and the Flame Lore: One Last Journey 1/3 My Final Journey.
TIP: Building Block Quest: Hidden Building Blocks – Stone Shingle Roof Block.
Head for the church. It’s the tall building on the left. From there, head inside and turn left or right to go down the stairs. There will be a bit of a hallway with more stairs heading down. At the other end of those stairs will be a Gold Coffin. Once you crack it open, the gates that were in the previous hallway will open and enemies will come out.
Once you clear the enemies (or not, it doesn’t change the loot), head to the eastern side of the crypt. There will be a single tomb you can open, and that is where you’ll find the loot! This will complete the first part of the quest.
For the second part of the quest, the loot you’re after is in the room directly across from the Revelwood Lore: Valory’s Live 2/3 Call To Adventure. It’s in the far back, left corner of the large room. Opening the chest will complete the quest!
TIP: Check out Pikemead's Reach Lore And Quests In Enshrouded for more going on in the region.
Rare Instruments
Ornate Flute
I’m not entirely sure how this quest was supposed to begin, but the Bard had the dialogue “Let’s Make A Band” available after I picked up the Ornate Lute and read The Honeydews 1/4 The Band Is History in Surat’s Rest.
TIP: Check out more of Surat’s Rest Lore And Quests In Enshrouded.
Because of the whole Lore and Lute thing, the first and second parts of the quest were completed.
Ornate Harp
The Ornate Harp is located below the Nomad Highlands Lore: 2/4 Time For A Rebrand! – which is below the stairs.
Ornate Hand Drum
The Ornate Hand Drum can be found at Myrtle Tombs. Outside is a wheelbarrow with the Nomad Highlands Lore: The Honeydews 3/4 Something Called Me Here. Next to it is the entrance to the tombs. At the very bottom is an enemy. Kill the enemy and loot the corpse for the Hand Drum.
TIP: Also at this location is the Hollow Lore: A Brother's Confession 1/1 My Confession.
Ornate Lute
The Ornate Lute can be found at a Scavenger Outpost in the Nomad Highlands, just south of the Ancient Spire - Nomad Highlands Fast Travel. You can find it in a secret room located under the main portion of the tower. Dig or blow up the area to locate it or the ladder leading down to it.
TIP: Also located here is the Nomad Highlands Lore: Mixed Bricks 1/1 Brick By Brick, The Honeydews 4/4 A Good Trade, My Friend!, and Rumors Of The Dragon Cave 1/3 The Dragon's Maw; plus the Building Block Quest: Mixed Sandstone Block.
Finding Music Sheets In The Albaneve Summits
After exploring some of the Albaneve Summits, (in particular finishing the first part of the Alchemist’s Quest Alchemic Wisdom and the Flame Altar Quest Ignite The Snowy Mountaintops) the Bard will have the speech option “Songs To Warm Your Heart”. This dialogue will begin the quest!
Blood In The Snow
The first Music Sheet can be found at a Small Watchtower. It’s a simple glide away from the Ancient Spire – Albaneve Summits Fast Travel.
TIP: This is also the location of the Albaneve Summits Lore: Chester Loft Notes 1/2 Starting A New Chapter.
Silent Echo
The second Music Sheet can be found at the Elixir Production Site in the Albaneve Summits. It is located at the top of the main tower. Take the stairs to the left of the entrance and work your way to the top.
TIP: Also here is the Albaneve Summits Lore: Chester Loft Notes 2/2 What A Lucky Day & The Mysterious Recruit 1/2 About The New Recruit – this starts the Items, XP, and Loot Reward Quest: Secret Brewery.
Market On Winter’s Day
Your next destination is the Balefire Stronghold “Iron Heart”.
TIP: Quests in this area – Flame Altar Quest: Slaying The Corrupted Beast. Lore in this area – Alvaneve Summits Lore: Gliding Contest Notes 1/2 Gliding Contest! & 2/2 What A Lucky Bastard! and A Young Soldier’s Thoughts 1/2 My First Day WIth The Expansion program & 2/2 I Want To Go Home.
Head down some stairs at the entrance to reach the sleeping quarters…
…or head straight ahead and jump down to reach the Music Sheet.
It will be located near the end of the gliding platform.
Lonely At The Top
Would you believe this last piece is NOT at a Balefire Garrison? Me neither! But it isn’t! This one is at a Small Watchtower near the Passage To The Albaneve Summits. Only, you’ll need to be much higher up to reach it.