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07 February 2025

Quick Way To Tell When I Last Updated

Written by Sarah-Maree

It’s become confusing knowing when I last updated things, so I’ve created this blog! I’ll try to keep any notes here, too. This way, you know when I was last active and what's new, too!

October 2nd, 2024

Updated the following...

  1. Hollow Lore: Hidden Crafting Recipes 2/3 Let's Redecorate! and 3/3 If Mother Was Here. The Emptiness Sets In 1/3 Forgive Me, Flame and 2/3 It's The Flames Fault!
  2. The Shroud, Elixir, and Elixir Well Lore: The Elixir 1/2 About The Elixir and 2/2 Drank Elixir
  3. Lore Overview: Updated with above Lore changes
  4. Ectoplasm Block - Bonus Block Quest: Added
  5. Ectoplasm Press For The Collector: Updated with missing artifacts
  6. Finding Hollow Halls Artifacts: Updated with missing artifacts
  7. The Nomad Highlands Hollow Halls: Updated with missing categories
  8. The Kindlewastes Hollow Halls: Uploaded
  9. Quest Overview - Updated with the above Quests

October 3nd, 2024

Updated the following...

  1. Hand Drum For The Bard
  2. Music Sheets
  3. Eternally Piercing
  4. Finding Fossils
    • In Progress
  5. Finding Cosmetic Items
    • In progress
  6. Hidden Crafting Recipes – Blackmire
  7. Hidden Crafting Recipes – Blackmire
  8. Updated the Lore and Quest pages associated with the quests above
  9. Updated the Overview pages for Lore And Quests.
  10. Updated cover images by removing numbers on Lore and Quest quantity - wasn't always accurate and a pain to update.

October 4th, 2024

Updated the following...

  1. Organized Lore page entries to match what is seen in-game.
  2. Checked for broken images and fixed any that were glitched - Please let me know if I missed any!!!
  3. Uploaded Bard Quest Eternally Piercing
  4. Added more to Bard Quest: Finding Fossils
  5. Uploaded Revelwood Lore: Valory’s Life (all 3)
  6. Worked on integrating Lore between pages and connecting to Quests.
  7. Added Hollow Lore A Brother's Confession 1/1 My Confession and Letter To A Former Friend 1/1 My Flame-Touched Friend.

October 5th, 2024

Updated the following...

  1. Added more to Bard Quest: Finding Fossils - up through Nomad Highlands
  2. Added Bard Quest: Daggers For The Bard
  3. Added more to Bard Quest: Finding Fossils - added Nomad Highlands
  4. Updated all Quests and Lore that connect to the Fossils for the Bard Quest: Finding Fossils.
  5. Added 2 of 3 of the Kindlewastes fossils for the Bard Quest: Finding Fossils (I'm getting there!!! Hoping to be done with this quest today!!)
  6. I DID IT!!! Bard Quest: Finding Fossils is complete!!!
  7. As far as I know, I am now caught up on everything, except for two pieces of Lore that I have and don't remember how I obtained them.... They're the Ancients and The Flame Lore: The Last Spark 1/2 The Cinder Vault's and 2/2 Lost To Darkness. Wish me luck!

October 6th, 2024

Updated the following...

  1. Forgot to update my Quest Overview page with the new Bard Quests, woops!! Fixed now!

November 6th, 2024

Updated the following...

  1. Updated the Ancients And The Flame Lore: The Last Spark and my sad lack of progress
  2. Updated Blacksmith Quests: The Blacksmith Needs A Shop (added his bed request), Forge Weaponry or Armor (added that he needs shelter), & The Ancient Spires (added a fun blurb at the end)
  3. Updated Bard Quest: Daggers For The Bard (added fun blurb at the end)
  4. Fixed technical error on my part in The Collector Quest: Finding Hollow Halls Artifacts
  5. Updated the Lore Overview page to have a new photo for the Lore
  6. Updated the Quest Overview page to have a new photo for the Journal
  7. Added Hunter Needs Shelter quest and updated the Overview page to include it
  8. Updated the Flame Altar, Alchemist, Blacksmith, Hunter, Farmer, Carpenter, Collector, and Bard pages to have new NOTE verbiage
  9. Updated Quick Way To Tell When I Last Updated to reflect current date
  10. Added Alchemist Quest: Cat Search
  11. Added Alchemist Quest: Cat Search to Quest Overview page
  12. Updated the Alchemist Quest: Staffs And Spells (added the bit about him wanting a bed)
  13. Updated Hunter Quest Hunter Needs Shelter (forgot the bit about needing a roof over the bed)
  14. Added Carpenter Quest: Carpenter Needs Shelter
  15. Updated Quest Overview page with Carpenter Needs Shelter
  16. Updated Blacksmith needing a bed to be sheltered
  17. Added Farmer Needs Shelter Farmer Quest and have it on Quest Overview page
  18. Added Animal Farming Farmer Quest and have it on Quest Overview page (Quest in progress)

November 7th, 2024

Updated the following...

  1. Completed Cat Search and updated the Alchemist and Quest Overview pages
  2. Updated the Flame Altar Upgrade Requirement from Level 2 to Level 3 with new image and text. Other image updates are pending my in-game progress
  3. Added two Flame Altar Quests:  Bring Back The Pure Souls (In Progress) and Increasing Your Follower Amount And Flame Level
  4. Added the Revelwood Lore: Ramone's Writing 1/1 What Do You Think Of My Draft? and updated the Lore Overview page with the new Lore
  5. Updated images and text for the Vukah and Wildlife Lore: Welcome to Fort Kelvin 1/3 Welcome to Fort Kelvin!, 2/3 The Earth Quakes, and 3/3 The Vukah
  6. Updated images and text for the Nobles and History Lore: Southern Caravan 3/4 Sudden Slaughter
  7. New General Lore! Garden Gnome Hallucinations 1/1 Digging His Own Grave added to the General Lore page and the Overview

November 8th, 2024

Updated the following...

  1. Completed and posted the Hunter Quest: Man’s Best Friend to the Hunter Quest page and Overview page
  2. Completed and posted the NEW General Lore Kennel Notes 1/3 NAME: THRASHER, 2/3 NAME: DEADMEAT, and 3/3 NAME: RUFFLES to the General Lore page and Overview page
  3. Updated Items, XP, and Loot Quest: A Test Of Skill, and Carpenter Quest: A Table Saw For The Carpenter to include the Hunter Quest: Man’s Best Friend
  4. Updated the Vukah & Wildlife Lore: Spitting Plants 1/2 Dear Oskar, to include the Items, XP, and Loot Quest: Spitting Plants
  5. Updated the Flame Altar Quest: Bring Back The Pure Souls. And added it to Quest Overview
  6. Updated the Farmer Quest: Animal Farming. Added it to Quest Overview, too
  7. Created Items, XP, and Loot Rewards Quests: Beds And Shelter and Finding A Garden Gnome. Then linked the second one to the Lore that went with it
  8. Linked the Flame Altar Quest: Bring Back The Pure Souls to the Vukah and Wildlife Lore: Wolves At The Door 1/2 Fenn, The Wolves Gotta Go and 2/2 Fenrig’s Demise

November 9th, 2024

Updated the following...

  1. Organized Lore And Quests for New Blog - coming tomorrow

November 10th, 2024

Updated the following...

  1. New blog containing Pikemead's Reach Lore And Quests In Enshrouded
  2. Added Collector Needs Shelter quest to The Collector Quest page and to the Quest Overview page
  3. Cleared quests of pikemead messy lore for all quests
  4. Uploaded 3 new lore Revewlwood Dark Rites, Queen Pikemead’s Statue, and Ramone’s Writing
  5. Updated Revelwood, Scavenger, and Nobles and Histories Lore to have simplified versions of Pikemead’s Reach Lore And Quests In Enshrouded
  6. Fixed the image on the Lore Overview page
  7. Uploaded 3 new lore Revewlwood Dark Rites, Queen Pikemead’s Statue, and Ramone’s Writing and made sure to update the new blog and overview page
  8. Finished the Items, XP, and Loot Reward Quest: Glory To Pikemead Forever and have it on all 3 pages
  9. Finished the Items, XP, and Loot Reward Quest: Dark Rites and have it on all 3 pages

November 11th, 2024

Updated the following...

  1. Updated the Flame Altar level up requirements from level three to level 4
  2. Completed and uploaded the Items, XP, and Loot Reward Quest Gravedigger's Rest to all three pages
  3. Updated the Nobles And History Lore: A Scattered Legacy 4/5 We Return To Earth Today to include that it starts a quest
  4. Added the Revelwood Lore: Glimpse Into The Beyond 1/2 Ritual Of Reunion – By Lady Leclair Of Glennwood’s End2/2 Ritual Of Reunion – Reimagined! to the Lore pages, to the overview page, and also to here
  5. Bard Quest: Bard Needs Shelter and Carpenter Quest: Helping Hands completed and on Overview page
  6. Updated Revelwood Lore: Hidden Crafting Recipes – Blackmire 5/6 Larger Than Life!
  7. Updated Revelwood Lore: Hidden Crafting Recipes – Blackmire 6/6 Secrets! Treasures! Doors!
  8. Blacksmith Quest: The Blacksmith's Family created and uploaded to three pages (quest, quest overview, and here). And uploaded new Nomad Highlands Lore: A Quick And Simple Fix 1/1 My Backup Plan. Connected them both together, too.

November 12th, 2024

Updated the following...

  1. Added Items, XP, and Loot Reward Quests: Hannah Reed Needs Help, The Cosmetic Maid Outfit In Progress, Lupa's Hounds, The Cosmetic Blacksmith Outfit In Progress, Tracing The Footsteps, and The Cosmetic Hunter Outfit In Progress
  2. Updated Ancients And The Flame Lore: The Last Spark 1/2 The Cinder Vault's and 2/2 Lost To Darkness
  3. Added Nomad Highlands Lore: Echoes Of Ikko 1/5 He Echoes All Throughout, 2/5 Ikko #2, 3/5 Ikko #3, 4/5 Ikko #4, & 5/5 Ikko and The Honeydews 1/4 The Band Is History
  4. Added, but did not finish the Bard Quest: Rare Instruments
  5. New photo for Quest Overview Page for Flame Altar 4 to 5 improvement
  6. Updated Bard Quests: Rare Instruments and Music Sheets, the Farmer Quest: Almanac of Plants and Seedlings For The Farmer, Building Block Quest: Caravan Raid -  Limestone Block, and Items, XP, and Loot Reward Quest: “Nursery Supplies”.
  7. Updated Scavenger Lore: Caravan Raid 2/2 None Can Fool Me!, and the Nomad Highlands Lore: “Nursery Supplies” 1/1 Mind The “Nursery Supplies”, As Above So Below 2/2 Crimes Of Surat's Rest, and Rumors Of The Dragon Cave 1/3 The Fearsome Dragon
  8. Updated Items, XP, and Loot Reward Quest: Vukah Ceremony and Vukah And Wildlife Lore: Vukah Ceremony 2/2 Strength Of The Vukah
  9. Updated Scavenger Lore: Raven’s Keep Log 1/1 Raven’s Keep Log, Prison Break 1/2 No Better Than Us!and 2/2 Glory To Matron Lupa!, and Sister, Sister 3/3 I Will Reach You
  10. Updated the Hunter Quest: In Need Of A Tanning Stationand the Building Block BONUS Quest: Fancy Stone Block
  11. Updated Vukah And Wildlife Lore: The Draconian Vulture Took Him 1/2 This Desert Contains Horrors and 2/2 A Powerful Hunter’s Bow

November 13th, 2024

Updated the following...

  1. Added Nomad Highlands Lore: The Honeydews 2/4 Time For A Rebrand!, 3/4 Something Called Me Here, 4/4 A Good Trade, My Friend!, and Tavern Complaints 1/1 The Night Is Ruined! Also added the Bard Quest: Rare Instruments
  2. Uploaded the Items, XP, and Loot Reward Quest: The Cosmetic Blacksmith Outfit
  3. Uploaded the Items, XP, and Loot Reward Quest: The Cosmetic Maid Outfit

November 16th, 2024

Updated the following...

  1. Added Animal Bait Recipes and Animal Food Recipes to the Farmer Quest: Animal Farming.
  2. Updated Flame Altar upgrade requirements for upgrade from 6 to 7 and updated wording for 7 to 8
  3. Uploaded the Items, XP, and Loot Reward Quest: The Cosmetic Hunter Outfit
  4. Did prep work for:

November 17th, 2024

Updated the following...

  1. Finished yesterdays uploads of:
  2. Created Surat's Lore And Quests In Enshrouded
  3. Uploaded Nomad Highlands Lore: Cat Naming Problem 1/2 We Have To Choose! & 2/2 Headquarters Of Captain Whiskers, and Lupa's Hounds 1/1 Where Are Her Dogs?

November 18th, 2024

Updated the following...

  1. Uploaded the Items, XP, and Loot Reward Quest: Ramone's Writing
  2. Uploaded the Revelwood Lore: Ramone’s Writing 2/3 A Small Thank You

November 19th, 2024

Updated the following...

  1. Uploaded the Items, XP, and Loot Reward Quest: Cosmetic Hats

November 20th, 2024

Updated the following...

  1. Working on revealing the map for the new area...

November 21st, 2024

Updated the following...

  1. Working on revealing the map for the new area...
  2. Ancient Spire - Albaneve Summits Fast Travel uploaded
  3. Started working on the Farmer Quest: Gathering Wool In The Albaneve Summits
  4. Finished Flame Altar Quest: Ignite The Snowy Mountains

November 22nd, 2024

Updated the following...

  1. I did it!!!! I revealed (for me and later for you) the map of the new area with markers and everything! :D
  2. If anyone is reading this, today was very busy. I have started prep work for the following quests; however, I am moving several states away, so I won't have time until AFTER Thanksgiving holiday to finish and post the following. Thank you for your patience!
    • Alchemist Quest: Alchemic Wisdom
    • Blacksmith Quest: A Blast Furnace For The Blacksmith
    • Farmer Quest: Gathering Wool In The Albaneve Summits
    • Bard Quest: Finding Music Sheets in The Albaneve Summits
    • Items, XP, and Loot Reward Quest: Finding Cosmetic Fluffy Set
    • Hunter Quest: An Improved Spinning Wheel For The Hunter
    • Flame Altar Quest: Ignite The Coldest Elixir Well
    • Vukah And Wildlife Lore: Spider Goat Farm 1/1 How Do I Tell The Boss?
    • Farmer Quest: Cooking Warm Food
    • Block Quest: Path To Darkness

December 3rd, 2024

Updated the following...

  1. Sorry for the long wait! Important computer cables were lost in moving from Indiana to Nevada. I'm not in a house yet, so updating here is still going to be slow, but I'll do my best to still update often! Today's updates include completing:

January 15th, 2024

Updated the following...

  1. I've finished moving into my new home in Nevada! Now, it's time to complete some missions and update my site! Thank you for your patience! Today's updates are coming soon. Completed:

January 18th, 2024

Updated the following...

  1. Finished:
  2. In Progress / recently added:

January 20th, 2024

Updated the following...

  1. Finished:

January 25th, 2024

Updated the following...

I haven't been feeling great lately, but I finally managed to get back into things today! Sadly, I've been having issues updating some parts of the website due to unorganized folders full of too many images. So, I'm having to go through and restructure things on my end so I can keep adding quests and lore. This could take a bit, but I'm hoping to get back to quests and lore as soon as I finish organizing folders and images (things only I can see on the backend of the website).

  1. Updated and cleaned up Flame Altar Quests - including cleaner maps (backend issues resolved)
  2. Updated and cleaned up Blacksmith Quests - including cleaner maps (backend issues resolved)

January 31st, 2024

Updated the following...

  1. Updated and cleaned up Bard Quests - including cleaner maps (backend issues resolved)
  2. Finished:
  3. In Progress/Recently Added:
    • Albaneve Summits Lore:
    • Updating Items, XP, and Loot Reward Quests - including cleaner maps (backend issues resolved) and new organization (top of page has/will have a breakdown of quests based on the loot you get)

February 1st, 2024

Updated the following...

  1. Finished:
    • Updated Items, XP, and Loot Reward Quest: The Morning Grind with new photos - Willow Crush was updated to be MUCH bigger, lol.
    • Added Items, XP, and Loot Reward Quest: Missing Socks.
    • Removed the Items, XP, and Loot Reward Quest for a Silver Chest: A Rotten Core - The developers removed it and replaced it with the quest for the Cosmetic Maid Outfit.
  2. In Progress/Recently Added:
    • Still updating Items, XP, and Loot Reward Quests - including cleaner maps (backend issues resolved) and new organization (top of page has/will have a breakdown of quests based on the loot you get)
      • 225 images to sort still of 500. Wish me luck!
      • Finally! At the last 90 images!
      • Ending the night with 8 quests left to update and 67 images to sort through! Thank you for your patience!
    • Working on new Items, XP, and Loot Reward Quest: Gertrude's Dogs (completed February 2nd, 2025)

February 2nd, 2024

Updated the following...

  1. Finished:
  2. Started:
    • Items, XP, and Loot Reward Quests: Lunar New Year SwordLunar New Year Bow, & Lunar New Year Plants (all 3 completed February 3rd, 2025)

February 3rd, 2024

Updated the following...

  1. Finished:

February 5th, 2024

Updated the following...

  1. Finished:

February 6th, 2024

Updated the following...

  1. Finished:

February 7th, 2024

Updated the following...

  1. Finished:
About the Author
I may not be the nerdiest nerd you’ve ever met, but I still like to think of myself as a lover of science, video games, and of course, books.