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21 April 2017

Comic Con

Written by Sarah-Maree

It’s been a long week! But in a good way. Or maybe I should say it’s been a week of recovery and readjustment to the real world? Hahaha, it’s been memorable nonetheless.

This past weekend was the Indianapolis Comic Con. I’ve never been to anything quite like it, and I have to admit that I had a lot of fun. Surprisingly, I also learned a lot too.

Now, I’m not just talking about the costumes – which were amazing! – but rather the different panels they had. I listened to several professional writers as they talked about the things that worked and didn’twork for them when they wrote their stories. I won’t bore you with the exact details, just that Comic Con had more to offer than what I had originally thought.

At this point, you may be wondering if I dressed up…I did. I so did. My husband and I went as Link and Zelda. The Legend of Zelda happens to be my favorite video game of all time. LOVE IT! It didn’t take much to convince Nick to join me in dressing up. He did get to have a weapon after all. Just not his master sword :( Real swords are not allowed. Curse you safety rules!! But also, thank you. :D

I would offer to show photos of us in our outfits, but there is some bad news. The photographer that took the professional portraits was robbed. She lost her memory cards, over two thousand dollars in cash, her car keys, and some other items as well. So, needless to say, there are no photos like that to share.

However!!! Nick is a photographer, so if you want to see some of the photos he took (like his selfie series…sigh) then head on over to his Comic Con blog. He’s already shared his favorites there of course :)

On a brighter note (hahaha, it’s a pun! Just wait for it!!), I did get an official Ocarina with a song book for THE LEGEND OF ZELDA!!! WOOT! I’ve already started training myself on how to play it. Turns out, it is a LOT of work, but I’m too excited to care about that little detail.

So, yeah. That was my weekend. Exploring Comic Con, listening to writers, dressing up as Zelda, OMG I almost forgot ARCHERY TAG!!

Sorry, it was epic and most certainly worth sharing! They had Archery Tag!! You hit people with foam tipped arrows (they hurt when they hit, don’t worry. Your enemy will feel your pain). If you get a chance, I totally recommend looking it up! As I said…EPIC.

Needless to say, there were plenty of activities for anyone to enjoy, from shopping to seeing your favorite celebrities, to hanging out with friends. I wish I could say I saw it all, but even with three days, it wasn’t enough. Can’t wait for next year! I may even have to create a costume rather than buying one ;)

Stay creative out there! You never know where your next source of inspiration might come from.

Photo Credit: Nick Klein