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24 March 2017

Hope of Spring

Written by Sarah-Maree

The cold winter months are nearly over, and that means crafting weather! I can’t wait for warmer spring days, sitting out on the patio, the cool breezes, warm sun… Soon. It’s coming soon.

Spring, glorious spring! Some things are easy to do year-round and have few excuses for not getting done…cough…like writing a blog…cough…cough. For me, crafting is not one of those year-round projects! Oh, I might craft a few books here and there during the winter months, but that’s not what I’m talking about. I’m talking about the signs I make using pallet wood. There’s no way I’m going out to the garage and wood burning in the blistering cold! I would craft signs in the house, but sadly, there is not enough ventilation…

But Spring!!! It’s officially here, and I’m just waiting for the right warm day to start crafting again! We all need a little inspiration every now and again, and right now warm weather, sunny days, and cool breezes are exactly what this crafter needs!

And no worries, I’m still writing - despite these cold and blah winter months ;) For you Positivity Camp lovers out there, tune in next week for more mischief with Daniel and Wendy!

Stay creative!