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30 September 2016

Why I Write

Written by Sarah-Maree

I write because I enjoy it…well, most of the time anyway. Every now and again I hit a road block and I find myself stuck. The best way to move past it, I’ve found, is to keep writing. Usually I turn my focus to a different piece. That helps trick me into writing again and to enjoy it too.

Recently there has been a lull between my first novel and writing the next. During this time, I’ve found myself working on another story and occasionally I challenge my skills by creating or finding different writing prompts. You’ve already seen one such prompt with my last post, Magical Prison Architect. I absolutely loved writing that! It was so much fun creating unique and interesting characters, but it was also fun pulling ideas from Greek myths with their mythical creatures and gods and merging them with monsters and races from other worlds.

The same goes from my mini-series: Positivity Camp – which, by the way, will be having a second chapter coming out next Friday. The idea came to me randomly, like most of them do, but it’s the act of getting the characters down on paper that makes writing fun for me. It’s not just getting them down, but giving them personalities unique to them. The more complex they are, the more fun it is for me. Of course, I also enjoy writing stories that make people laugh. Even darker moments have some humor to them, and I love working that in. But really, I think my favorite pieces to write are the short stories.

Take Demigod for example. The story was a challenge to write, but the prompt made me think and eventually made for a fun story despite the difficulties. I think it is creating vivid worlds and interesting characters that makes me love what I do, and sharing it too of course!