Enshrouded Items, XP, and Loot Reward Quests Walkthrough
- Items, XP, and Loot Reward Quests
- Obelisk Research
- Fortified
- Bridge Construction Report
- Oswald Anders’ Chest
- A Crucial Investigation
- Lost In The Shroud
- A Test Of Skill
- Vukah Ceremony
- A Time For Harvest
- Cavern Curiosities
- A Chest In The Attic
- Gormander’s Imperial Gardens
- One Last Journey
- Scavenger Stash
- Seed Of Suspicion
- Buried Curse
- Playing Pranks
- Wolves At The Door
- A Rising Tide
- The Morning Grind
- The Pillars of Creation
- Vukah Encounter
- A Rotten Core
- Captured By Lupa
- “Nursery Supplies”
- The Draconian Vulture Took Him
- The Oasis
- On Fertile Ground
- Underground Infestation
- The Mysterious Wanderer Appears
- The Greatest Game
- Hidden Flame Shrine
I tried keeping it sweet and simple, but every quest is different. If you see an error, please let me know, and I’ll work to fix it! All images used in this blog post are screenshots from the game Enshrouded.
- Quick Links To Help
SPOILER ALERT: There’s no way for me to avoid spoiling game play with the walkthrough.
NOTE: All content below is from BEFORE Hollow Halls Update - version number 510434. Content below is good for anything before March 26th, 2024. Content may still be relevant after March 26th, 2024 - but there may be gaps in the information below as more Lore and Quests were added by developers.
Items, XP, and Loot Reward Quests
Obelisk Research
Reward: 75 XP
This quest is tied to the Ancients And The Flame Lore: Obelisk Research 1/3 Obelisk Writing. It also connects to the Flame Altar Quest: A Story of Rot.
Locating the first note will activate this quest and reading the Ancient Obelisk will finish the first part for you.
Reading the Ancient Obelisk in the Nomad Highlands resolves the second part of the quest. This one is located south of the Ancient Spire - Nomad Highlands Fast Travel. It is near the Ancients And The Flame Lore: Obelisk Research 3/3 Confusion Above All.
Reading the Ancient Obelisk in the Kindlewastes resolves the final part of this quest. To reach it, I had to climb up the bridge (first image below). Then, following the trail led to the Ancient Obelisk.
WARNING: I had one character that had to also go read the Ancients and the Flame Lore: Obelisk Research 2/3 Progress! Also – Headaches! and read the Ancient Obelisk near that Lore before the quest would finish. I’m not sure if that was a glitch or not…
Rewards: Gold Chest + 75 XP
This Quest actually pairs with the Scavengers Lore: Fortified 1/1 I Will Defend My House!. On the first floor is a staircase going up. There is a suspicious glow behind a bookshelf. Destroy the bookshelf and the door behind it to reveal the Gold Chest. Lotting it and reading the Lore will finish the quest. Located in Ferndale.
TIP: You can also find two pieces of the General Lore: A Cry For Help 1/3 Ointments and 2/3 Protection Against the Shroud.
Bridge Construction Report
Rewards: Gold Chest + 75 XP
Speak with Carpenter Cade Hawthorn, once you have him, to initiate this quest. You will need to select the “Bridge” dialogue option in order to do so. From there, head to Braelyn Bridge (near the first base you built). The third pillar, in the Shroud, has a suspicious mound. Dig here, or blow it up, to reveal a chest. Opening the chest completes the quest!
Oswald Anders’ Chest
Rewards: Gold Chest + 75 XP
Select the dialogue “Equipment Lost” from the Blacksmith Oswald Anders to begin this quest.
Speak with the Carpenter Cade Hawthorn and select the dialogue option “Equipment Lost”. This will finish the first part of the quest.
From here, I suggest checking out the Building Block Quest: Diadwyn And Its Building Blocks - Half-Timbered Block Reward. Once you make it to Diadwyn, keep going right through the town toward the Carpenter Camp. Beside the tent is a gravel spot you can dig. Inside is a Gold Chest. Opening it will complete the quest!
TIP: This is also the location for the Scavenger Lore: Elixir For All 1/1 Worth It In The End, and the Vukah and Wildlife Lore: Diadwyn And Its Building Blocks 1/2 Town Of Diadwyn and 2/2 Half-Timbered Blocks.
A Crucial Investigation
Rewards: Scavenger Matron Head + 75 XP
Reading the General Lore: Hunter’s Notes: 2/3 A Sleepless Night will generate this quest. The fastest way here is to glide from the Ancient Spire - Revelwood Fast Travel. Your destination is Glenwood’s End. Once you are in the town, head for the largest building in the back. There, the Matron awaits defeat.
TIP: There’s also some Scavengers Lore here to find, too! (They’re the second two pieces of the Royal Investigation series - 2/3 From Investigator Lachlan and 3/3 The Crimes of Glennwood’s End)
Reaching the town will finish the first part, and defeating the Scavenger Matron will complete the mission! She is located in the furthest building along the rocky wall.
Lost In The Shroud
Rewards: Fell Commander Bow + 75 XP
Reading the General Lore: Hunter’s Notes 2/3 A Sleepless Night will generate this quest, but it will lead to the General Lore: Hunter’s Notes 1/3 Long Way From Home. The fastest way there is to take the Ancient Spire - Revelwood Fast Travel.
Reaching the camp and reading The Shroud, Elixir, and Elixir Well Lore: Lost In The Shroud 3/5 Talion! will finish the first part.
Now, off to finish off this quest, I have a detailed description here: The Shroud, Elixir, and Elixir Well Lore: Lost In The Shroud 5/5 Bow Found. Looting the body of the Fell Thunderbeast will complete this quest and give you the Bow Found Lore.
You will also now have the Quest Item: Fell Commander Bow.
A Test Of Skill
Reward: + 75 XP
The Hunter initiates this quest when you select the “A Test Of Skill” dialogue option. Giving her fur, or having it on you, will prompt the next dialogue option “Animal Fur Acquired” and will complete the first step.
There are so many paths to take to reach this location. I suggest waiting to complete this quest until you have the Carpenter Quest: Table Saw For The Carpenter, because you’ll likely complete a part of it on your journey.
Your destination is just outside the town of Thornhold. They’re not friendly here, lol.
There is a western wall you can smash down. It leads to a dirt path that goes to the Hidden Hunting Grounds, which also happens to have an Ancient Obelisk. Walking up to the Hidden Hunting Grounds will finish the second part of the quest while walking up to (not reading) the Ancient Obelisk will finish the quest. I would still recommend reading it, plus they might update the quest later.
Vukah Ceremony
Rewards: Vukah Brawler Head + 75 XP
This quest is initiated by the Carpenter. It seems to happen after crafting the Kiln. Also, just by talking to him, the first part of the quest is completed, but it implies that you have to go TO that location to finish that task. Maybe a later update will change this? Anyway, select the dialogue “The Vukah” to initiate this.
TIP: This quest is closely linked to the Vukah and Wildlife Lore: Vukah Ceremony 1/2 Vukah Gathering and will likely lead you to the 2/2 Strength Of The Vukah.
If you are doing this early on, be sure to snag the power buff at the back of the ‘arena’ where you battle. It will glow red. Slaying the Vukah Brawler will finish the quest.
A Time For Harvest
Rewards: Gold Chest + 75 XP
After claiming the Ancient Spire - Revelwood Fast Travel, the Farmer will have the dialogue option: “Some Berries”. You may also need to pick a strawberry to initiate this quest, I don’t know since I did that before the tower. Anyway, bring Farmer Emily Fray some strawberries to finish the first part of this quest. In order to do that, have the strawberries in your inventory and select the dialogue “A Berry Cool Time”.
Head to Glennwood’s End for the buried loot! I chose the sneaky route with a grapple spot and a spitting plant on the left side of the town. The path goes right to the pit with the treasure. At the bottom of the hole is a gravel spot to dig. Beneath that is a Gold Chest.
Cavern Curiosities
Rewards: Gold Chest + 75 XP
Located in Pikemead’s Reach, this quest is closely tied to the Revelwood Lore: Skimmer’s Cove Warning 1/1 Good Folk, Heed This Warning:. Once you read the page on the bulletin board, the quest will automatically be started for seeking out Skimmer’s Cove and the Gold Chest of loot. You’ll need a lockpick to open it, so be prepared!
I reached Skimmer’s Cove by skimming around the outside of the city and by doing a bit of gliding. There is a very narrow dirt road that leads up to the cove, and by narrow I mean that it is easily missed (I followed the road a ways, and it seems to start at the Elixir Well a good ways off). The way up is easy enough, just be careful not to fall into the Shroud Water (looks like lava). You will know you’ve reached your destination when you come across a wall of rubble. The chest is off to the side of it, no digging or bombs required. Opening the chest completes the quest.
TIP: If you are having trouble finding it, there is a spot in Pike’s Port where you can see a ledge of land sticking out over the Shroud Water (lava river). That goes directly to Skimmer’s Cove. See below for what it looks like from the castle to the cove and from the cove to the castle.
A Chest In The Attic
Rewards: Cryptic Wand + 75 XP
Check out the Revelwood Lore: He Who Lives In The Walls 1/1 Bones. Reading this Lore will start the quest, but reading the Revelwood Lore Riddle 1/2 Riddle Me This will give you the house location, and completing 2/2 A Hidden Room gives you the ending location. Once you loot the pile of bones in the attic, the quest will be finished!
Gormander’s Imperial Gardens
Rewards: Silver Chest + 75 XP
Located in the Imperial Gardens of Pikemead’s Reach, this particular Quest is closely linked to the Nobles and History Lore: Gormander’s Imperial Gardens 2/2 The Pike Weekly: Nothing Grand About Gormander. When you are done reading or activating the Lore, simply turn around and hop over to the statue. Then dig in front of the statue and you’ll uncover a Silver Chest. Opening the chest completes the quest.
One Last Journey
Rewards: Wanderer's Boots + 75 XP
This quest begins when you read the Ancients and the Flame Lore: One Last Journey 1/3 My Final Journey in Woodgard. There’s more Lore in the area, so be sure to check out my guide for tips and ways to find it all!
TIP: This quest goes to the same destination as the Flame Altar Quest: A Story Of Fire.
Once you are at the Ancient Obelisk, the quest will be completed once you loot the skeleton. If you loot the body and read the Lore, you will also complete the Ancients and the Flame Lore: One Last Journey. Reading the glowing Ancient Obelisk will also complete the Flame Altar Quest I mentioned above.
Scavenger Stash
Rewards: Wailing Blade + 75 XP
This Quest begins when you read the Scavenger Lore: Scavenger Stash 1/3 Stashed Our Haul. The note can be found outside of the Ancient Vault - Alchemist, and the final location isn’t too far from the note (it is a journey, just not a bad one).
TIP: This location coincides with the Flame Altar Quest: Powerful Alchemy.
From the vault, follow the marker on your map to Scavenger Stash location. Looting the Gold Chest inside the cave will complete the first part of the quest. You’ll still need to talk to the Blacksmith to complete the second half.
Seed Of Suspicion
Rewards: Gold Chest + 75 XP
I can’t believe I missed this one on my playthrough, but here it is! Reading the General Lore: Seed of Suspicion 1/1 I Buried it Deep will start this adventure for a Gold Chest. From the Harvest Homestead building where you read the Lore, head westward toward the barn-like structure. The porch outside has a suspicious mound with a … Gold Chest clearly visible. A little digging lets you loot it. Opening the chest completes the quest!
Buried Curse
Rewards: Hailscourge + 75 XP
Lone Thistle is your destination for this trinket! You may find yourself in the area for the Alchemist Quest: The Alchemist’s Mortar. Reading The Shroud, Elixir, and Elixir Well Lore: Buried Curse 1/2 I Said Let Go! will start this quest. Looting the body it leads to will finish both the Lore and the quest.
Playing Pranks
Rewards: Silver Chest + 75 XP
Near the start of the game and a little northeast of your first base is the Scavenger Camp With Mineshaft. There are two pieces of Scavenger Lore here, but reading the Playing Pranks 1/2 He’ll Be Down There! will start this quest. To complete the quest, blow up the rubble (in the background of my first image), and loot the chest. The second piece of Lore is also here, but reading it won’t affect the quest.
Wolves At The Door
Rewards: Fenrig's Axe + 75 XP
Reading the Vukah and Wildlife Lore: Wolves At The Door 1/2 Fenn, The Wolves Gotta Go will begin this quest. To Complete it, follow the map to Wolf Cave. Inside is the second piece of Lore. Collecting Fenrig’s Axe will complete the quest and the Lore.
A Rising Tide
Rewards: Silver Chest + 75 XP
This quest begins when you read the Revelwood Lore: A Rising Tide 1/1 As The Tide Rises. From there, look up / head up the ladder and then the climbable wall near you. You’ll see a Silver Chest on a tall platform (feel free to loot that chest while you are there). The spot you need is at the base of the platform it is on, so hop down. Now, it is easier to see the glow of the Silver Chest you need at night. But, as you look around, you should spot the small alcove across the Shroud Water (lava river). Opening the chest completes the quest!
The Morning Grind
Rewards: Ring Of Rapacity + 75 XP
This quest begins when you read The Shroud, Elixir, and Elixir Well Lore: The Morning Grind 1/2 I Heard A Crack, and it is completed when you complete the Lore 2/2 Ring Received.
Quick Recap: On the northern end of Willow Crush is a house with the first piece of Lore. From there, still on the northern side of Willow Crush, and at night, it is super easy to spot the body as it glows beneath the grinding mill (there is a night and day shot). Loot the body and the quest is complete!
The Pillars of Creation
Rewards: Soothsayer + 75 XP
Head out for the Pillars of Creation. This quest begins when you read either piece of the Nomad Highlands Lore: The Pillars Of Creation 1/3 Vukah Inscriptions or 2/3 Noises!. Reading the first one will start the quest, and the second part will complete the first part of two. To complete it, you’ll need to complete the Lore 3/3 Soothsayer Found. To do that, head into the Flame Sanctum and turn around and look up. There’s a grapple spot with a Gold Chest on top. Loot the chest to complete the quest!
Vukah Encounter
Rewards: Wolf's Hydra + 75 XP
This one is pretty simple. For an extra guide on this, check out my Vukah and Wildlife Lore: Vukah Encounter 1/2 Fierce Creatures and 2/2 Club Found. Reading the first piece of the Lore, located at Trade Outpost “Blazing Rock”, this quest will activate.
TIP: This is also the location for the Blacksmith Quest: The Blacksmith’s Request.
From the outpost, head to the Vukah Camp, open the Gold Chest on top of the rocks, and loot it to complete the quest! Your reward is the Wolf’s Hydra (lvl 18).
TIP: You can sneak around to reach the chest, or wait for a chicken to wander by. The Vukah love chasing chickens. Who knew? (You’ll still have to fight some of them, but these methods reduce the enemies, though the chicken is random and will run back toward the camp, so…)
A Rotten Core
Rewards: Silver Chest + 75 XP
Mayfair Lot, here we go! This quest starts and ends at this location, and in the same building, too! Reading The Shroud, Elixir, and Elixir Well Lore: A Rotten Core 1/1 Black Mold Behind A Dry Wall will start the quest. Head down the stairs of the house the Lore is in. Clear away the bugs and you’ll likely spot a ruble location near the outer wall. Start digging and you’ll have a nice hole that leads to a spore riddled room with a Silver Treasure Chest. Loot the chest to complete the quest!
Captured By Lupa
Rewards: Gold Chest + 75XP
Head to Lupa’s Lair for this one! Upon reading Nomad Highlands Lore: Captured By Lupa 1/1 They Terrorize The Roads!, the quest becomes activated. Your final destination is a bit of a walk, but it’s not bad. If you arrive at night, the Gold Chest glows nicely from a distance, making it an easy find (there is a day picture, too). Opening the chest completes the quest!
TIP: Lupa’s Lair is also related to the Hunter Quest: In Need Of A Tanning Station.
TIP: Just one other piece of Lore here! Scavenger Lore: Tanning Station 1/1 Tanning Station Recipe.
“Nursery Supplies”
Rewards: Silver Chest + 75XP
To start this quest, you’ll want to read the Nomad Highlands Lore: “Nursery Supplies” 1/1 Mind The “Nursery Supplies” located in Surat’s Rest. From the starting location (first image below), you can “see” the end location. You just need to get up to that area with the trees…
TIP: There are two other quests at this location: Farmer Quest: Almanac of Plants and Seedlings For The Farmer and the Building Block Quest: Caravan Raid - Limestone Block, which are both progressed by reading the Scavenger Lore: Caravan Raid 2/2 None Can Fool Me!.
TIP: Surat’s Rest also has the Scavenger Lore: Sister, Sister 2/3 A Note To Kendal and the Nomad Highlands Lore: As Above So Below 2/2 Crimes Of Surat's Rest.
Now that you’ve made your way up to the trees and the billowing smoke, head through the gap in the spike wall and head left. You’ll see a lone explosive barrel. Looting the item next to it will trigger an explosion, which will reveal the Silver Chest. Open the chest to complete the quest!
The Draconian Vulture Took Him
Rewards: Draconian Bow + 75XP
Reading the Vukah and Wildlife Lore: The Draconian Vulture Took Him 1/2 This Desert Contains Horrors will start this quest. Climb up the tunnel and reach the Draconian Vulture Nest. To complete the quest, obtain the second half of the Lore: 2/2 A Powerful Hunter’s Bow. Enjoy the quest item, Draconian Bow!
The Oasis
Rewards: Gold Chest + 75XP
Once more, this quest is closely linked to all three pieces of the Kindlewastes Lore: The Oasis 1/3 A Hopeful Beginning, 2/3 Supplies Lost, 3/3 Mirage. Reading the first piece of the Lore starts the quest while reading the second completes the first part of the quest. Reading the second piece completes the first part, and reading the third completes the second part. Now it’s off to find some loot!
Now that you’ve read all three pieces of the Lore, it’s time to glide across to The Oasis - from the tent with the Lore. Looting the Gold Chest in the Shroud completes the quest!
On Fertile Ground
Rewards: Mother’s Eye + 75XP
To start this quest, head to Rose Shell Burrow in the Kindlewastes and read the General Lore: On Fertile Ground 1/3 Dreaming. Then, head back to Farmer Emily Fray for the dialogue option “Can You Help Search?”.
Next up is the Sand Digger location, which doesn’t seem to want to mark itself on the map. Anyway, for a map showing the location, feel free to check out my General Lore: On Fertile Ground 3/3 Ring Obtained. Obtaining Mother’s Eye. Once you obtain the ring, the part 1 of 2 will be finished.
To complete the quest, speak with Farmer Emily Fray again. She will now have the dialogue “Ring Recovered” to select.
Underground Infestation
Rewards: Dreadbane Hammer + 75XP
It may come as no surprise, but this quest also starts when you read some Lore in East Lapis. Check out the Kindlewastes Lore: Underground Infestation 1/2 Uncle Dreadbane for the map location. Otherwise, let’s start climbing!
The front of the building you need to start the quest has some explosives conveniently out front. Blast your way in, or risk an axe chopping through more than just the entry doorway.
TIP: Other East Lapis Lore - Nobles and History Lore: Caravan To Longkeep 1/2 Survival Depends On Me.
From the entrance, climb up the ladder, bust through a wall, take the landing to the grapple spot, swing across, climb the mesh wall, and then take the beam across to the attic where a Silver Chest and the Lore resides.
After reading the Lore previously mentioned, it’s time to exit the building and take a look downward. You’ll finish the quest in an underground “well” when you loot the body and thus also complete the other half of the Lore mentioned before (2/2 Dreadbane Hammer Discovered).
The Mysterious Wanderer Appears
Rewards: Shroud Weaver + 75XP
Like many quests, this one begins when you read some Lore - specifically The Shroud, Elixir, and Elixir Well Lore: The Mysterious Wanderer Appears 1/2 I Must Protect The Weapon, located in Low Tide. From the first Lore, head into the cave behind it. It will lead to a lookout spot over the town and will have a platform with a climbable wall. Up top, and out of the Shroud, is the Gold Chest with the Shroud Weaver inside. To complete the quest, and the second part of the Lore (2/2 Staff Found), loot the chest.
The Greatest Game
Rewards: Silver Chest + 75XP
This quest became available after I finished the Carpenter Quest: Sun Temple Stories. Then the Hunter had “The Greatest Game” dialogue available, which will start the quest. After she is done talking, feel free to head to Deepcut. Reaching the town will complete the quest, but it won’t get you the Silver Chest. To get that, head into the town.
Hidden Flame Shrine
Rewards: Spark + 75XP
A simple glide west of the Ancient Spire - Kindlewastes Fast Travel is Sapphire Strand. Head there for the Ancients and the Flame Lore: Hidden Flame Shrine 1/2 Can It Be True? Reading the Lore will start this quest.
To complete the quest, head to the Flame Shrine of Manathor. Loot the Flame there to obtain the reward: Spark. To complete the quest, read the second half of the Lore 2/2 As We All Forgot.
NOTE: All content below is from BEFORE Hollow Halls Update - version number 510434. Content below is good for anything before March 26th, 2024. Content may still be relevant after March 26th, 2024 - but there may be gaps in the information below as more Lore and Quests were added by developers.