Enshrouded Nobles and History Lore

The following is what I have for Nobles and History Lore in Enshrouded. NOTE: MAY CONTAIN SPOILERS - I won’t share Lore content, but the titles may give things away, and the photos may reveal things. For an overview of what the heck I’m talking about, click here! Since I found most of these, they won’t glow red in the pictures, but they should glow red, like a fire, for you if you haven’t discovered them yet. If not, I’m sure the game developers would appreciate any feedback or hearing of any glitches, bugs, or malfunctions as this is an Early Access game - in that it isn’t fully finished and they are still working out some things. If you have any questions or tips for me, let me know in the comments! I’ll try to update often and with images to help guide you on your journey. All images used in this blog post are screenshots from the game Enshrouded.
TIP: Having trouble with an Ancient Spire? Check out my Enshrouded Ancient Spires Overview for how you can reach the top of the towers and unlock Fast Travel.
NOTE: A LOT of the content below is from BEFORE the Hollow Halls Update - version number 510434. Some of it has been updated with the Souls Of The Frozen Frontier - VO.7.4.0. Previous content may still be relevant after March 26th, 2024 - but there may be gaps in the information below as more Lore and Quests are being added by developers. I am trying to stay on top of the changes.
Nobles and History
A Scattered Legacy
1/5 Siege Report - Day 3
Head northward in the Revelwood area toward the Lore hoard - The Pike region (more specifically Pikemead’s Reach). Seriously, Lore Galore. Anyway, the tower this lore is located in is on the southeastern corner. Grapple up, and climb the gate, and the ladder up to the tippy top. (On your way, you may find the Revelwood Lore: Fortification 1/2 Citywall Blocks.) Anyway, at the top you’ll find this book resting on a chair.
TIP: Check out Pikemead’s Reach Lore And Quests In Enshrouded for more going on in the region.
2/5 The Invaders Have Taken The Square
In Huckster Square of Pikemead’s Reach is Shroud Root. There’s a grate nearby with a skeleton and a note.
TIP: Check out Pikemead’s Reach Lore And Quests In Enshrouded for more going on in the region.
3/5 We’re Locked Out
In Pike’s Port, part of the Pikemead’s Reach, head for the sewers. The sewers are located near the Revelwood Lore: The River Breaks Out 2/2 The Water Rises. If you start from that lore, simply hop down toward that mound with the blue spore tree (near the house to the left of my character). Once on that level with it, you should see an opening into the sewers. Upon entering, head right. There’s a golden chest in there, making it a bit easier to find the body. In order to see more clearly, you may need to destroy those Shroud Spores.
TIP: Check out Pikemead’s Reach Lore And Quests In Enshrouded for more going on in the region.
4/5 We Return To Earth Today
This Lore is in the Imperial Gardens area of Pikemead’s Reach. Reading it will activate the Items, XP, and Loot Reward Quest: Gravedigger's Rest. Anyway, after opening the gate into this area, which is right beside the northern most Shroud Root, take a right and enter the crypts. This book is located next to a glowing coffin. You may be able to get here faster by blowing up the barrel outside and falling down the hole it creates >_>
TIP: Check out Pikemead’s Reach Lore And Quests In Enshrouded for more going on in the region.
5/5 Setting Sail
Starting with the defeat of the creature in The Pike, head into the main hall and work your way outside. Then, head to the middle of the three eastern towers. There’s a grapple up and a plank walkway that goes around the tower. From there, jump down to the sad skeleton and take a peak at the scroll containing her final words.
TIP: Check out Pikemead’s Reach Lore And Quests In Enshrouded for more going on in the region.
Northern Caravan
1/3 Expedition Log #1
This one is a quick glide from the Ancient Spire - Nomad Highlands Fast Travel. The scroll is sitting on a table in the Northern Caravan Camp near the ramp up. It’s a small camp.
2/3 Expedition Log #2
This location is nearly straight east of the Ancient Spire - Revelwood Fast Travel. This Northern Caravan Camp is in the Shroud south of The Pike region. The scroll is resting on a table out in the open.
3/3 Commander Cyrus’s Fate
I don’t want to give away TOO much away, but the pictures for this one are a biiiiiiit revealing. So, from the Imperial Gardens of Pikemead’s Reach, head for castle - The Pike. From the locked gate, turn left and you’ll see a grappleshot up. There are stairs and a door and a whole path that leads up to the part above the gate. Jump down, slay the BBEG (Big Bad Evil Guy) and loot the remains. You’ll be left with the Lore completed once you claim the Commander’s Ring.
TIP: Check out Pikemead’s Reach Lore And Quests In Enshrouded for more going on in the region.
Southern Caravan
1/4 Smoke On The Horizon
Northeast of the Ancient Spire - Low Meadows Fast Travel is a Southern Caravan location. Glide on over and head toward the back left tent. Inside Queen Jezmina’s tent you’ll find a gold chest plus a scroll on a nearby table.
TIP: Beside the bed is also the Nobles and History Lore: Love Letter To Queen Jezmina 1/2 To My Beloved Queen, and the Scavengers Lore: Caravan Raid 1/2 There’s Nothing Here!!.
2/4 Axe Found
Defeat the Vukah Brawler in the Pillars of Creation (middle of the current map). Then, loot its body to retrieve the item and earn the Lore. I do apologize for my map. It has a glitch where it stays a question mark for this location. I’ve reported it, so hopefully it’ll be fixed - or at least no one else will have the problem.
3/4 Sudden Slaughter
In Hillock there is a giant tower, and behind this tower are two tents. The tent on the left, from the entrance, has the Lore you seek.
4/4 An Old Sight, Rediscovered
At the Southern Caravan Camp slightly southeast of Ancient Spire – Springlands Fast Travel, there are four tents. In the second tent on a table is a scroll to read.
Love Letter To Queen Jezmina
1/2 To My Beloved Queen,
This Lore is found in the Southern Caravan Camp. It’s an easy glide from the top of the Pillars of Creation. The Ancient Spire - Low Meadows Fast Travel may be close enough for an advanced glider to make it. Anyway, head for the queen’s fancy tent. Don’t be fooled by the other two Lore, this one is tucked close to a picture beside her bed.
TIP: You can also find the Scavenger Lore: Caravan Raid 1/2 There’s Nothing Here!! and the Nobles and History Lore: Southern Caravan 1/4 Smoke On The Horizon.
2/2 Don’t Leave My Side!
From the Cinder Vault at the start of the game, follow the path through the cave to Longkeep. In Longkeep, head left until you see a door at the top of some stairs (very early into the area). Behind said door is a letter to read.
TIP: Longkeep General Lore: The Alchemist’s Theories II 1/5 The Shroud Looms, To Sleep, Eat, and Rest 1/1 A Good Night’s Rest, Danger: Explosives 1/1 Careful With This Shipment! (between Longkeep and Rookmore), Longkeep 1/1 Falling to Ruin. And an Ancients and the Flame Lore: Captain’s Journal 1/4 Captain’s Journal, Day One (the other three pieces of this are nearby, but they aren’t in Longkeep).
Caravan To Longkeep
1/2 Survival Depends On Me
After entering Ocean’s Heart from East Lapis, head straight in. There’s a room at the top of the stairs and to the left. Upon the table is a scroll to read.
TIP: More Lore here! Kindlewastes Lore: 1/2 Uncle Dreadbane, 2/2 Dreadbane Hammer Discovered, and Hats Shipment Missing 1/1 Our Hats Are Lost!.
TIP: Quests in the area - Hunter Quest: Loom For The Hunter; Bonus Building Block: Highly Polished Stone Block: Items, XP, and Loot Reward Quest: Underground Infestation, Robert Gibson Needs Help, and Finding Epic Instruments (which has information about the Pure Soul Hugo Vanderhall); & Bard Quest: Music Sheets.
2/2 My Visit To Brittlebush
This one can be found far to the north of the Ancient Spire - Kindlewastes Fast Travel. The scroll is located inside the Caravan Camp tent toward the back of the cave.
My apologies as the map on this one isn’t great. I have markers elsewhere that may spoil things, which is why I didn’t zoom out. Anyway, I’ll try to update it after I’ve gotten caught up and can remove some markers.
Recipe For Love
1/1 Grilled Spiced Yucca
Besides finding General Lore Emily Fray’s Diary, Entry 3 at this location, you’ll also find a fancy recipe Lore. This one is a bit tricky to get to, if you aren’t looking for it. You can bust through the wall (picture 2) or head left and walk around the bookshelf. Either way works. In the end, there’s a table on the other side with the recipe Lore on it (my torch is under the table in picture 3 to help out). Check out this Caravan Camp, located southeast (by 45 degrees) of the Ancient Spire - Nomad Highlands Fast Travel.
TIP: In Brittlebrush, which is nearby, you can also find the General Lore: Honey Misery 1/1 No Honey!, On Fertile Ground 3/3 Ring Obtained (not in city, but nearby), Emily Fray’s Tavern 1/3 Emily Fray’s Diary, Entry 1 and 2/3 Emily Fray’s Diary, Entry 2 (not int city, and a bit far); The Shroud, Elixir, and Elixir Well Lore: Elin’s Warning 1/1 The Walls Are Alive!, Kindlewastes Well Prospects 2/3 You Fool (not int city, and a bit far); Kindlewastes Lore: The Oasis 1/3 A Hopeful Beginning (not in city, and a bit far).
Separated Siblings
1/1 Please Notify The Queen
This one is a bit tricky to get to, particularly if you use a glider. For the lore, head to the loosely constructed ‘tent’ on the right. The note is out in the open and resting on the first table. The Northern Caravan Camp itself is ground level, but around it are massive canyon walls. It is east of the Ancient Spire - Nomad Highlands Fast Travel.
Excerpts From Val's Valiant Tales
1/2 I've Got My Eye On You
This Lore below came before or during Enshrouded game version 558123. So, content below is good for anything before September 13th, 2024. Content may still be relevant after September 13th, 2024 - but there may be gaps in the information below as more Lore and Quests are added by developers.
This Lore can be found with a simple glide from the Ancient Spire – Revelwood Fast Travel. Head northwest toward a large building nestled among the trees. This is the famously good spot for a base – “Blue Goblet” Tavern.
TIP: Location also has one music sheet from the Bard Quest: Music Sheets.
From the entrance, head toward the right and the back left of the building. This will lead to the basement where there is a bookshelf. The bookshelf closest to the stairs has the lore.
2/2 A Sticky Situation
This book can be found in the Snapjaw Tar Pits in the Blackmire. To reach it, you’ll have to do some flower hopping while keeping an eye out for a boat with a glowing bit of Lore on it. Don’t forget to dodge or kill the Snapjaws!
Gormander’s Imperial Gardens
1/2 Gormander Watches Over Us
I suggest starting with the second piece of Lore first.
OK! Welcome back! From the Lore below, simply turn around. There’s a nice garden type spot with a giant statue. The Lore is at the base of the statue. The chest is buried close to the base (following Gormander's gaze as he "watches over" ... well, his loot).
TIP: Check out Pikemead’s Reach Lore And Quests In Enshrouded for more going on in the region.
2/2 The Pike Weekly: Nothing Grand About Gormander
There’s a bulletin board in the Imperial Gardens in Pikemead’s Reach that’s calling to you. Not really, but the Lore IS there. You’ll need to open the gate (there’s a button to push or shoot things at) or do some fancy flying and hopping to get into this region. Once you’re past the gate, head left. The first door on your right has the Lore - A Knock At Night 1/1 The Catacombs. Travel a bit further and drop down into the square. Then turn around to see the note on the board. Reading this Lore will start the Items, XP, and Loot Quest: Gormander’s Imperial Gardens.
TIP: Check out Pikemead’s Reach Lore And Quests In Enshrouded for more going on in the region.
Opening Pikemead’s Catacombs
1/1 One To Glory, One To Ice, One To Rule, And One To Life
So, the title on this is VERY misleading, in my opinion. This is actually at the Mistbury Catacombs. It’s a decent flight away from the Ancient Spire - Springlands Fast Travel. The Lore is one of the easiest ones to get as it is at the entrance of the location. The walls to either side of the entrance have a plaque that can be read. Reading the plaque gives you clues to solving the Catacombs and it gives you Lore.
TIP: The Carpenter Quest: The Queen’s Tomb is also here!
Drinking Song
1/1 Ode to Pikemead
Straight out from the starting point of the game, the Cinder Vault. It’s after you head left down the steps. Follow the dirt path into the cave and turn left. There’s a dirt wall that needs either dug out or blown to bits (bombs provided on shelf on the left). Inside the room is a silver chest and the lore on a table.
TIP: This pairs well with the Flame Altar Quest at the start of the game: Claim A Spot For Your Base.
TIP: Other nearby Lore includes the General Lore: The Alchemist’s Theories I 1/5 On The Flame And Its Murmurs.