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Caffeine is My

Welcome to my blog, where I write about a variety of subjects, from Furry Friends and Dungeons & Dragons, to entire series like Positivity Camp.

Latest Musings

Tales of a Ferret Owner: First Impressions

07 February 2020
Hello again! Or welcome newcomers! Caffeine is my Muse is the name of the blog, and telling stories is often what I do. Sometimes I tell stories about Dungeons &a...

The Call

31 January 2020
I hope you’re having a great Friday! This week’s story is a short story that comes from a book series I started (and have yet to finish) a few years ago. I keep m...


09 January 2020
It’s been a while since I’ve shared a Dungeons & Dragons tale. Here’s the first one for 2020! I hope you enjoy the clever workings of a wizard and the unfortu...

A New Word

17 December 2019
I don’t know how to begin this discussion. This topic has been on my mind for a very long time, longer than the current discussion about it has been going on. I’m...

Winter Solstice

21 December 2019
Here’s a four-part story to celebrate the seasons. I don’t usually write tales about fairies, and I rarely write anything in this style, but it was a fun experime...

Photographer for a Day

13 December 2019
Who says you can’t cross craft? Certainly not this writer! As the months become colder, the amount of birds at my window has become more obnoxious. The mourning ...

NaNoWriMo - Week 5 Progress

29 November 2019
I know there’s still more time left today and there’s still tomorrow to take into consideration, but I’m going to assume at this point that I’m done for. I just d...

NaNoWriMo - Week 4 Progress

22 November 2019
Update time! Again, this is why these blogs aren’t going out as my usual ones. I mean, I enjoy the updates of other writers, but do other writers enjoy updates? W...

NaNoWriMo - Week 3 Progress

15 November 2019
Friday is here again. I know it’s the weekend, but the enthusiasm for this project is draining. I’m not sure why writers attempt NaNoWriMo. As I’ve said before, t...

NaNoWriMo - Week 2 Progress

08 November 2019
I hope this Friday finds you doing good and feeling well! National Novel Writing Month (NaNoWriMo) continues. In case you were wondering, here’s my progress so fa...

About the Author

I may not be the nerdiest nerd you’ve ever met, but I still like to think of myself as a lover of science, video games, and of course, books.