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Caffeine is My

Welcome to my blog, where I write about a variety of subjects, from Furry Friends and Dungeons & Dragons, to entire series like Positivity Camp.

Latest Musings

An early spring photoshoot of the flowers at Freimann Square in downtown Fort Wayne

17 June 2022
This is just a feel-good post that lets you enjoy the spring flowers without those springtime allergies. If you have a chance to visit Fort Wayne, I suggest visit...

Highlights from a twenty-day road trip from Indiana to California and home again

10 June 2022
In my previous blog (Personal life and a writing slump caused a month-long hiatus) I mentioned that I had some highlights from that nearly month-long trip. You kn...

Personal life and a writing slump caused a month-long hiatus

03 June 2022
It's been a while since I've had the time and motivation to sit down and write a blog. Curious as to why that is? Keep reading to hear all about my recent adventu...

Is An Author’s Debut Novel Their First Novel?

06 May 2022
In my last blog, I mentioned my desire to write a blog titled something like: How Long Does it Take to Write a Novel Worth Publishing? Before anyone gets all up i...

April Brings New Writing Endeavors as I Celebrate Completing Past Goals

08 April 2022
Last month was a crazy month, and it’s only getting wilder from here on! Before I get too ahead of myself, here’s a quick recap of last month. And in case you mis...

Sir Ryac and The Dark Mage is Close to Publishing

31 March 2022
I promised to update about Sir Ryac and the Dark Mage in May, but I couldn’t wait! Publishing another book is just too exciting! You read that right, this is an e...

Missing Words and Other Errors in Positivity Camp

28 March 2022
It's rarely easy admitting a mistake, let alone several, but that's just what I'm doing. From misspelled words to missing words, here's a list of my known errors ...

Hiring an Editor – Gone Right

23 March 2022
From a bad, or scammy, editor to a good one, this is my take on how I came to, respectfully, love my editor. You can read more about my experience with a bad edit...

Should I Worry About SEO On My Writer’s Blog?

04 March 2022
When it comes to writing, of any sort, knowing your audience and your goal are key. Of course, it also helps to keep SEO in mind as well! Having better search eng...

February 2022 Accomplishments and March Expectations

25 February 2022
Month two into the year, and I'm keeping up with those blogging goals! Basically, I'm aiming for a blog a week, and I'm succeeding. Plus, I only promote what I've...

About the Author

I may not be the nerdiest nerd you’ve ever met, but I still like to think of myself as a lover of science, video games, and of course, books.