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08 February 2024

Enshrouded Revelwood Lore

Written by Sarah-Maree

The following is what I have for Revelwood Lore in Enshrouded. NOTE: MAY CONTAIN SPOILERS - I won’t share Lore content, but the titles may give things away, and the photos may reveal things. For an overview of what the heck I’m talking about, click here! Since I found most of these, they won’t glow red in the pictures, but they should glow red, like a fire, for you if you haven’t discovered them yet. If not, I’m sure the game developers would appreciate any feedback or hearing of any glitches, bugs, or malfunctions as this is an Early Access game - in that it isn’t fully finished and they are still working out some things. If you have any questions or tips for me, let me know in the comments! I’ll try to update often and with images to help guide you on your journey. All images used in this blog post are screenshots from the game Enshrouded.

TIP: Having trouble with an Ancient Spire? Check out my Enshrouded Ancient Spires Overview for how you can reach the top of the towers and unlock Fast Travel.

NOTE: A LOT of the content below is from BEFORE the Hollow Halls Update - version number 510434. Some of it has been updated with the Souls Of The Frozen Frontier - VO.7.4.0. Previous content may still be relevant after March 26th, 2024 - but there may be gaps in the information below as more Lore and Quests are being added by developers. I am trying to stay on top of the changes.


Hidden Crafting Recipes - Blackmire

1/6 The Message Above

Located at Hermit Camp inside the Blackmire. It is easiest done with the Bard Quest: Eternally Piercing.

2/6 A Miserable Jump

On the northwestern side of the Snapjaw Tar Pits is a string of jump flowers. Follow them up to encounter some orange spitting plants. In the center island is a note – the lore you seek.

3/6 I Have To Remember This

Located in the Treetop Kukah Settlement on the eastern side. Reading this Lore will start the Items, XP, and Loot Reward Quest: Hidden Crafting Recipes – Blackmire. For details on reaching it, click here.

4/6 A Wonderland Of Lost Architecture!

This one is super tricky to find. No trail goes directly to it, save for a trail of muddy muck muck. There is a nearby trail (photo 1), but as you can see in photo 2, there is only mud leading where you want to go. Anyway, you’ll have to traverse that mud trail to reach the tiny cave with the letter inside. Mind those beasts! They bite.

5/6 Larger Than Life!

This one was fun! Once you find the road leading to it, it’s super easy, and a fairly quick glide from the Ancient Spire -Blackmire Fast Travel. From there, the small temple is easy, so long as you don’t try anything fancy, like double-jump or gliding. The first part has you jump, grapple and swing, and then grapple again – which pulls you onto some meshy vines. After that, use the same grapple spot to swing yourself across to the other side. I did glide for that one, but I might not have needed to. When you reach the top, there is a Silver Chest on the other side of another chasm, or you could just go through the door and nab the lore first, in case you fall all the way to the bottom.

TIP: This is connected to the Blacksmith Quest: Helping Hands.

6/6 Secrets! Treasures! Doors!

This one, once you get to the location, is simple enough. Head inside the tiny temple and jump then grapple (two times) your way across to the other side. Once there, ignore the left and right path and head straight toward the pots. Smash ‘em! Then open the secret door to reveal a silver chest and the book of lore.

TIP: This is connected to the Blacksmith Quest: Helping Hands.

Valory's Journey

1/3 Following The Call

Tucked into a side compartment of a large hollowed out tree in the Blackmire is a note laying on the ground.

TIP: This Lore pairs particularly well with the Revelwood Lore: Scavenger Rescue Mission 1/1 Risking It All and the Flame Quest: Follow The Melody.

2/3 I've Never Trusted The Quiet

After having conquered the Ancient Spire – Blackmire Fast Travel, I simply flew directly to this spot within the ruins. The glowing red makes it particularly easy to find! For those needing to find it again, I have a map!

TIP: I did the same thing for the next part of the Lore.

3/3 I Found Her Note!

Once more, this was an easy glide down from the Ancient Spire – Blackmire Fast Travel.

Valory's Life

1/3 A Dull Life

Head to the Lore infused The Pike. You’ll find all three pieces of this Lore inside the main castle area. This one is located in the main throne room. When you enter the doors, turn around and look up. There will be a grapple spot, which gets you onto the rafters. The book is in the corner of the room.

TIP: Check out Pikemead’s Reach Lore And Quests In Enshrouded for more going on in the region.

2/3 Call To Adventure

Located in The Pike, you can find this Lore inside the main castle, but only after you have first defeated the Fell Wispwyvern and taken the Key to The Pike. From there, head inside the main doors and veer right. Head through the door and up one set of stairs. It’s dark here, so I had to use a torch to see the locked door. Unlock it and head through. Then, veer left and hook your way up a level.

TIP: Check out Pikemead’s Reach Lore And Quests In Enshrouded for more going on in the region.

You’re nearly there! Turn the corner and look for the stairs that lead up to another locked door. Behind the door is the Lore you seek! Well, it’s in the next room, just head straight through the first door and the Lore will be on a cabinet to the left.

3/3 Carving Destiny

Like the other two pieces of this Lore, this one is also located in The Pike. This one, however, is located on the southwestern tower’s roof. Simply enter the door and climb the winding stairs to reach the roof and the Lore up top.

TIP: Check out Pikemead’s Reach Lore And Quests In Enshrouded for more going on in the region.

Scavenger Rescue Mission

1/1 Risking It All

This Lore can be found after you pass through the Blackmire. It is located in the first Scavenger camp you come across.

TIP: This Lore pairs particularly well with the Revelwood Lore: Valory’s Journey (1-3) and the Flame Quest: Follow The Melody.

When you reach the Scavenger camp, take the right fork in the path, grapple up, take a ladder dead ahead, and the Lore will be resting on a table in the second of the two tents.

Jezmina's Journey Through The Blackmire

1/2 I've Never Known Such Beauty

This one is located inside the Ancient Spire – Blackmire Fast Travel. It’s right inside the base of the tower, so it’s an easy one to reach.

TIP: Reaching the tower, you’ll pass by some other pieces of Revelwood Lore: Valory’s Journey (1-3) and Scavenger Rescue Mission 1/1 Risking It All. There is also the Nobles And History Lore: Excerpts From Val’s Valiant Tales 2/2 A Sticky Situation.

TIP: This area pairs well with the Embervale Quest: Follow The Melody. And it has the second half of this Lore, too.

2/2 A Call To The Worthy

This Lore is an easy glide down from the Ancient Spire – Blackmire Fast Travel. It is located directly next to the Revelwood Lore: Valory’s Journey 3/3 I Found her Note!.

Glimpse Into The Beyond

1/2 Ritual Of Reunion – By Lady Leclair Of Glennwood’s End

This Lore is closely linked to the Items, XP, and Loot Reward Quest: Dark Rites - check it out for how to reach the location and solve the mystery.

TIP: Check out Pikemead’s Reach Lore And Quests In Enshrouded for more going on in the region.

2/2 Ritual Of Reunion – Reimagined!

Like the previous piece of this Lore, this one, too, is closely linked to the Items, XP, and Loot Reward Quest: Dark Rites - check it out for how to find it in Glennwood's End.

TIP: The Scavengers Lore: Royal Investigation 2/3 From Investigator Lachlan and 3/3 The Crimes of Glennwood’s End can also be found in Glennwood's End.

Ramone's Writing

1/3 What Do You Think Of My Draft?

This Lore is located on the outskirts of Fort Kelvin in the Sacrificial Vukah Pit, located at the bottom of a cliff.

TIP: From the Vukah and Wildlife Lore: Welcome to Fort Kelvin 3/3 The Vukah, head right instead of left. There will be a drop down, which will land you right on top of the Lore.

TIP: Fort Kelvin actually has all three pieces of the Vukah and Wildlife Lore Welcome to Fort Kelvin. You can also find the building block Brick-Timbered Block here. Fort Kelvin also has one music sheet from the Bard Quest: Music Sheets, and it has part of the Flame Altar Quest: Bring Back The Pure Souls (including the follow up Items, XP, and Loot Reward Quest: We The Only Ones).

2/3 A Small Thank You

This Lore can be found in the Shanty Shacks region of Pikemead’s Reach. Look for the Flame Altar there, and it will be in the building just south of it. There’s a hole in the side of it, and the Lore is easy to spot as it glows red on the inside of the building. Reading the Lore will start the Items, XP, and Loot Reward Quest: Ramone's Writing.

TIP: Check out Pikemead’s Reach Lore And Quests In Enshrouded for more going on in the region.

3/3 It Doesn't Look Good For Me

This one is a bit tricky to get to, unless you have a quest marker, which I did not. Start off in the Shanty Shacks region of Pikemead’s Reach. From there, take the hole on the left wall down into a bug infested area.

TIP: Check out Pikemead’s Reach Lore And Quests In Enshrouded for more going on in the region.

Once down there, you’ll see a silver glow in an opening. Head for the Silver Chest. Then, look at the wall with a bookshelf. It is a lie. You can open it or smash it to pieces. Inside is the Pure Soul Ramone Jones and the Lore on the desk. Reading the Lore will start the Items, XP, and Loot Reward Quest: Ramone's Writing.

Here is a before and after of the closed and then open bookshelf.

From there, simply enter the room and read the Lore.

Skimmer’s Cove Mischief

1/1 Truth Or Dare?

In Pikemead’s Reach, head for Huckster Square and the Shroud Root. From the place where the Shroud Root was destroyed, look up and you may spot a building with a shiny grapple spot. There are stairs nearby to reach it. From the grapple spot, head inside the building toward the glowing scroll.

TIP: Check out Pikemead’s Reach Lore And Quests In Enshrouded for more going on in the region.

Fisher’s Tale

1/2 They Live Below!

Be careful here! This Lore is found on docks surrounded by lava in the northern town of White Wind, which is east of the Ancient Spire – Revelwood Fast Travel.

2/2 Glory Rises From The Depths Once More!

Oh, goodness. You’re headed for Shanty Shacks, a faded out text region in the Lore riddled area of Pikemead’s Reach. This northern area of Revelwood oozes with Lore.

Anyway, head northeast from the entrance and make your way toward the Flame Sanctum. This note (and the Lore after this - Skimmer’s Cove Warning 1/1 Good Folk, Heed This Warning:) is on a bulletin board outside of the temple.

TIP: Check out Pikemead’s Reach Lore And Quests In Enshrouded for more going on in the region.

Dark Rites

1/1 Just One More Embrace

This Lore can be found in the Imperial Gardens. The scroll rests at the entrance to a building, and is a relatively easy find. Reading it will start an Items, XP, and Loot Reward Quest for some XP and a Pure Soul.

TIP: Check out Pikemead’s Reach Lore And Quests In Enshrouded for more going on in the region.

Queen Pikemead's Statue

1/1 Under The Sea

You can find this Lore located just north of the symbol for Pikemead’s Reach. You’ll also find, on top of the rafter, a Queen Pikemead Statue Piece, which is linked to the Items, XP, and Loot Reward Quest: Glory To Pikemead Forever.

TIP: Check out Pikemead’s Reach Lore And Quests In Enshrouded for more going on in the region.

Skimmer’s Cove Warning

1/1 Good Folk, Heed This Warning:

So, this is the same exact location as the Lore: Fisher’s Tale 2/2 Glory Rises From The Depths Once More!. Reading this Lore will start the Items, XP, and Loot Quest: Cavern Curiosities.

TIP: Check out Pikemead’s Reach Lore And Quests In Enshrouded for more going on in the region.


1/2 Riddle Me This

I don’t know that I solved the riddle properly, but I did “solve” it. Anyway! To reach this riddle, head to Pikemead’s Reach. From there, battle your way to the furthest Shroud Root, push a button, and enter the Imperial Gardens. Or, jump around and glide a bunch to get there.

From the gate, head left. From the bulletin board, which has Lore, you’ll see a garden area with two large houses behind it. Three pieces of Lore are in / around the house on the right. In order to reach this one and the next one in the series, head to the roof. To do that, you’ll want to jump to the roof of the other house from the second floor of the house with the Lore in it. Then, jump back to the Riddle Lore house’s roof OR the third floor. This is the only way to access the third floor. This Lore (Riddle Me This) is NOT hidden. It’s easy enough to find on the third floor. There’s even a large hole in the ceiling to drop down from.

TIP: Check out Pikemead’s Reach Lore And Quests In Enshrouded for more going on in the region.

2/2 A Hidden Room

Seriously! This place is SO hidden. Let the search begin! Ok, to be honest, this one was easy. I fell through a hole in the roof and landed inside with the body. Feel free to do the same. If you want to hunt for it, the body loot is on the same floor as the first piece of Lore. It’s behind the wall of the first piece of Lore. In order to reach it, head into an adjacent room, hop over some stuff and you’ll notice a bookshelf blocking a small alcove with another bookshelf. Behind the second one is a familiar red glow. Break it. Break all of it! Or just break the bookshelf. Either way, mission accomplished. OR, take my route and fall through the roof.

TIP: Check out Pikemead’s Reach Lore And Quests In Enshrouded for more going on in the region.

Raúl’s Fate

1/1 Veiled In Holy Light

Located within a Flame Sanctum inside the Shanty Shacks region of Pikemead’s Reach (a Lore riddled region) is a note beside a skeleton. The Flame Sanctum is located toward the middle of the four main regions (Pike’s Port, Imperial Gardens, Shanty Shacks, and Huckster Square). The second photo is looking outward from the temple to show what’s around it.

TIP: Check out Pikemead’s Reach Lore And Quests In Enshrouded for more going on in the region.

The River Breaks Out

1/2 Yesterday, The River Flooded

In Pikesmead’s Reach, near the docks is Pike’s Port. This note is along the outer castle wall on the western side. Rooftop hopping and gliding helped me reach the spot a second time (the first time I was opening and walking through everything, so I don’t have advice on a  good path to take to reach this one). The second piece of this Lore is nearby, so don’t stray too far.

TIP: Check out Pikemead’s Reach Lore And Quests In Enshrouded for more going on in the region.

2/2 The Water Rises

From the first piece of this Lore, you’ll want to jump onto the wooden platform the crane is supporting. From there, grapple up and then take the ladder up to the papers on the table. (This unlocks a quest, yay!)

TIP: Check out Pikemead’s Reach Lore And Quests In Enshrouded for more going on in the region.

Under Fire

1/1 Ancients Help Us

This one is located in Pikemead’s Reach. It’s right next to a Shroud Root. I defeated the root first, so you can see the area better. I also opened the gate. And read the Lore… Anyway! When the Lore isn’t read, it’s difficult to miss the red glow next to the skeletons on the steps. The gate leads to a new area of The Pike, so be sure to nab it before reaching the next area: Imperial Gardens.

TIP: Check out Pikemead’s Reach Lore And Quests In Enshrouded for more going on in the region.

Tales of Yonder

1/1 Blacksmith Tales

The Blacksmith in your base will get chatty, particularly after running around finishing his Quest: Reach The Capital, Pikemead’s Reach. He’ll have the dialogue option “Tall Tales.” Listening will give you the Lore.

New Storage

1/1 A New Room For Storage

This one is available in Pikemead’s Reach, a region of Lore chaos. Check out the second and third pieces of Lore (below) for Lover’s Quarrel. Starting where the third one left off, head through the doorway and down the stairs to find this book in a kitchen.

TIP: Check out Pikemead’s Reach Lore And Quests In Enshrouded for more going on in the region.

Lover’s Quarrel

1/3 Does One Enjoy The Fruit Of The Vine?

This one is all sorts of crazy, so start with the second piece of Lore for this one, then read the third, then from there, come here.

OK! So, from where “Does One Enjoy A Last Embrace?” finishes / ends up, head back up to the grapple spot. From there, look east. That’s the building you want. I glided to the roof of the building on the left first , but you may be able to glide straight to it.

TIP: Check out Pikemead’s Reach Lore And Quests In Enshrouded for more going on in the region.

2/3 Does One Enjoy The Romance Of A Stormy Day?

Head to Pikemead’s Reach at the northern end of the map - but still in the Revelwood area. There is A LOT of Lore here. Ok, after reaching the Reach, lol, head into the first building on the right and go straight through. You’ll reach an Enshrouded area with stairs going up. Turn left for a grapple spot. Then, head straight until you reach Shanty Shacks and you’ll find a note in the first building. It’ll be on the left as you enter.

TIP: Check out Pikemead’s Reach Lore And Quests In Enshrouded for more going on in the region.

3/3 Does One Enjoy One Last Embrace?

From the previous Lore, head up the ladder in the room, take a right through the opening and head up. From the vantage point, you can see a body glowing in the next building. Loot it for the Final bit of Lore.

TIP: Check out Pikemead’s Reach Lore And Quests In Enshrouded for more going on in the region.

A Knock At Night

1/1 The Catacombs

This one is NOT in a catacomb. Instead it’s in the overflowing-with-Lore Pikemead’s Reach, more specifically in the Imperial Gardens section. You’ll need to open a gate (or do some fancy hoppin’ and flyin’) to reach this spot. From the gate into the Imperial Gardens, take a left. Go past the lantern on the wall and enter the first door on your right. Inside is a scroll on a shelf.

TIP: Check out Pikemead’s Reach Lore And Quests In Enshrouded for more going on in the region.

He Who Lives In The Walls

1/1 Bones

Ok, so head to Pikemead’s Reach (in the northern part of Revelwood). Push the button that opens the gate into the Imperial Gardens. (Or jump, hop, run, and glide around to get over the wall.) Travel to the west, (there are a bunch of Lore in that direction too, but I digress). There are two houses side by side. Between them is an alleyway, and behind the stairs is a skeleton beside a barrel with papers on it. Reading this Lore will start the Items, XP, and Loot Quest: A Chest In The Attic.

TIP: There are two more pieces of Revelwood Lore in the house beside the skeleton: Riddle 1/2 Riddle Me This and 2/2 A Hidden Room.

TIP: Check out Pikemead’s Reach Lore And Quests In Enshrouded for more going on in the region.


1/2 Citywall Blocks

Head northward in the Revelwood area toward the Lore hoard - Pikemead’s Reach region. Seriously, Lore Galore. Anyway, the tower this lore is located in is on the southeastern corner. I had to use the Double Jump skill inside the tower to reach the lore above me, but if you grapple up, and climb the gate, you may notice a square patch of floorboards on the ground (also visible from the floor with the Lore if you look up). If you have bombs on you, you may be able to break the floorboard and thus fall down to reach the Lore that way. Using a pickaxe didn’t help me, so I gave up and opted for the jumpy jump route.

TIP: Reading this Lore will start the Building Block Quest: Fortification - Castle Wall Stone Block.

TIP: Check out Pikemead’s Reach Lore And Quests In Enshrouded for more going on in the region.

2/2 Indefinite Abatement

This one may be a bit far to glide to, so I wish you luck in how you placed your Home bases. Located at the Mining Rift, this is an easy grab, once you’re there, anyway. Just run up to the table near the tent and read the book on top.

A Rising Tide

1/1 As The Tide Rises

Located in Pikemead’s Reach in the Pikes Port region. Basically along the western wall. This Lore is easiest to obtain if you first snag the Revelwood Lore: The River Breaks Out 1/2 Yesterday, The River Flooded. From the end of that location, glide eastward toward a silver chest (not visible in photo). A beam connects to the landing the second picture was taken on. From there, hop down and enjoy the Lore. Reading this will activate the Items, XP, and Loot Quest: A Rising Tide.

TIP: Check out Pikemead’s Reach Lore And Quests In Enshrouded for more going on in the region.

About the Author
I may not be the nerdiest nerd you’ve ever met, but I still like to think of myself as a lover of science, video games, and of course, books.